• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

[SMTP Status] 451 qq trouble in home directory (#4.3.0);


Silver Pleskian
Hello all,

I posted this in the wrong forum (for plesk 10). The plesk version is 11.5.30, so here it is again.

I am getting this error in my maillog

[SMTP Status] 451 qq trouble in home directory (#4.3.0);

I know the reason is http://kb.parallels.com/113722
and i probably can fix it with this, but what will happen then?

The mail is for [email protected] and is 6 MB big

[email protected] = 50 MB, 45 MB in it

[email protected] = 50 MB, 0 MB in it

on box1 there is a forward to box2

So the error is because box1 has not enough room to receive the mail. But the forward should work because box2 has enough room to receive the mail.

If i fix it with http://kb.parallels.com/113722 will the mail bounce for box1 and will box2 receive the mail? Or will box1 also receive the mail then and in effect bypass the limit then?

Workaround which is described in KB article is just disables check-quota handler. Default behaviour of this handler is following - If check-quota handler responds with REJECT for one recipient, then message to many recipients will be rejected.
So, I think that 6Mb message will be accepted by box1 because check-quota handler is disabled.
Well, this is a bug then because both options are wrong.

The correct functioning should be:

box1 = reject because over quota.

box2 = accept because room enough.

It happens a lot that people make a mailbox, forget to uncheck the mailbox and make a forward to gmail, hotmail, whatever. after a while the mailbox will fill up offcourse, but the forward should always work. It up to gmail, hotmail, whatever... to check if the box there is full or not. And even if the forward is internal, its up to the that mailbox then to check if it is over quota or not.

What is the point in creating different hosting packets with different mailboxsizes and then turning off the quota serverwide. That makes no commercial sence whatsoever.

Yes, you are correct. I have submitted corresponding feature request #1783344
Thank you,

can you also ask to change the log entry?

"qq trouble in home directory" has meaning to the person that came up with it, but it would make a lot more sence to the average sys admin if the maillog reads:

"mailquota exceeded" or even better "mailquota exceeded on [email protected]" so it is clear which one of the mail boxes gave the error.

thank you

AFAIR "qq trouble in home directory" message is related to Qmail MTA only. Default and recommended MTA in Plesk is Postfix and there is correct message.
i am using plesk since version 1.3.1. So all our clients are used to being able to login to there email with short and/or long names. Postfix doesnt have the option short names, so postfix is not an option. I dont want to P*** off a couple of thousand mail users for no good reason.

As far as i can see and look it up, this is a plesk specific error and not a qmail error. If the guy that implemented it could type it in, he can also change it.
