New Pleskian
I was trying to disable swap to make it bigger for my server (ubuntu 18.04) but I 've encounter an error and I was unable to find a solution in the forum.
I couldn't make it from step 1:
1- Turn off all swap processes: sudo swapoff -a (error: /pleskswap: swapoff failed: Cannot allocate memory)
2- Resize the swap: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/pleskswap bs=1G count=8
3- Make the file usable as swap: sudo mkswap /pleskswap
4- Activate the swap file: sudo swapon /pleskswap
5- Check the amount of swap available: grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo
Any ideas? maybe kill plesk to edit the swap file?
I'm not an expert on this matter so any advice would be really appreciated
I couldn't make it from step 1:
1- Turn off all swap processes: sudo swapoff -a (error: /pleskswap: swapoff failed: Cannot allocate memory)
2- Resize the swap: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/pleskswap bs=1G count=8
3- Make the file usable as swap: sudo mkswap /pleskswap
4- Activate the swap file: sudo swapon /pleskswap
5- Check the amount of swap available: grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo
Any ideas? maybe kill plesk to edit the swap file?
I'm not an expert on this matter so any advice would be really appreciated