• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Users can't login to Plesk 10.3.1


New Pleskian
I have been having a series of complaints from users since I upgraded from plesk 10.2 to 10.3. Users can't login and get the following error.

Error: Authentication failed: invalid username or password specified

I checked their accounts and reset their passwords but that didn't help. I have tried to reset the SSO settings but that hasn't worked and neither has the re-integration script.

I have also ran the latest update hoping this would fix the problem so I am presently running 10.3.1 on a Centos 5 Server

I can login just fine with the admin account and make changes and everything in the backend seems fine.

Can anyone help?
I don't understand, because all of my customers have subscriptions, I was always using the CBM. When I upgraded from 10.2 to 10.3 CBM was broken and had to be restored.

I don't know if this had anything to do with this present problem.
Login has beïng changed since plesk 10

The new rights-management of Plesk 10 has being changed since Plesk 9.5.

When you looking into the poweruser at domains and selecting users, then all things getting clear.
To adjust those preferences, you'll be able to actually log-in into Plesk 10 as user.
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Yeah, I'm having the same problem, but I cant even log in as administrator.
Hello, GeremyD

Could you please provide more details:
1. OS?
2. Do you use Customer & Business Manager or you use pure Plesk Panel?
3. What you actually do and what you see?
This will help to investigate the issue and help you to resolve it.

Have you tried to update administrator password using /usr/share/plesk-billing/update-admin utility or %plesk_bin%\billing-update-admin utility depending on your OS vendor?
Try to use it: /usr/share/plesk-billing/update-admin --password <admin-password>
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Can't Log In

We've recently migrated a number of accounts from an old Plesk 8 server to Plesk 10.3.1.

OS: Debian 6.0 - Linux - 64bit
Plesk: 10.3.1

I'm having two problems:

1. I can't change the administrator password, regardless of what I do. I've tried changing it through the panel, I've tried via /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/ch_admin_passwd, which appeared to work, but I still can't log in with the new password, only with the old password. I also tried http://kb.parallels.com/en/346, and that reports "The following error occurred in panel 'Local Parallels Plesk Panel server (IP)': Wrong panel login / password."

2. None of my clients that could previously log into the panel can log in, nor can any new accounts that I create. All customers have subscriptions, I've reset their panel username and password, and nothing helps. I thought it might be a migration issue with the old accounts moving to the new server, and so I created a new test customer with one subscription and one site, and I can't log in via that panel information either.

Basically the only account that is able to log into the panel is the admin account, and only with the original root password. I'm not able to log in any other way. What am I missing? It seems like the entire authentication system is completely out of whack. At that point I'm lucky that I have at least one account (admin) that I can reliably log in with.
Thank you, thank you!

You pointed me in the right direction, so I got things fixed for now...

Here's what I did:
I followed the instructions here: http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?t=89094

When I ran this it reported one table in the billing db as crashed, so I repaired that. I then ran the repair command, which actually threw quite a few errors. Once this was done, I ran into a truly scary looking error, described here: http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?t=89094.

In my case I don't really need SSO, so my "solution" was to turn it off, which works fine. Customer logins seem fine now, and my new Plesk admin password is working. I'd like to find out why SSO is choking, but I think I'm going to call it good for the day.

Good luck getting your issue resolved!