Silver Pleskian
I received this plesk email today:
Then why does he use "swap" so much?
#free -m
CentOS Linux 8.4.2105
I used
If anyone wants to do this as well, it may take time. With me almost 1 hour. In a second console window you can watch the swap as it decreases.
My server have 128 GB RAMThe swap usage status is critica!
The current value is 3.6 GiB.
Then why does he use "swap" so much?
#free -m
CentOS Linux 8.4.2105
I used
and now its 0K/4G# swapoff -a && swapon -a
If anyone wants to do this as well, it may take time. With me almost 1 hour. In a second console window you can watch the swap as it decreases.
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