• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Issue web server conf have disappeared and --reconfigure-all Execution failed


New Pleskian
Hi ! I hope everyone is fine :)

I'm having a big issue since this morning on my Plesk installation, looks like suddenly all of my domains configuration files have disappeared. Thanks it's Sunday but i'm freaking out at the moment ... So i was trying
"/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all" and there is the result :

Execution failed.
Command: httpdmng
Arguments: Array
    [0] => --reconfigure-server
    [1] => -no-restart

Details: Template server.php doesn't exists

What is server.php supposed to be ? When i'm trying the Webserver Configurations Troubleshooter in the admin panel i also have a message saying "500 Template_Exception Template server.php doesn't exists"

If i try "plesk repair web public-montessori.fr"

Then its :

Checking web server configuration

  File not found: public-montessori.fr..conf ......................... [ERROR]
  Repair web server configuration for domains sebastiengarciaz.com? [Y/n] Y
    Repairing web server configuration for the domain                 
    public-montessori.fr ............................................ [2020-05-03 12:34:16.547] ERR [util_exec] proc_close() failed ['/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/httpdmng' '--reconfigure-domain' 'public-montessori.fr'] with exit code [1]
    - httpdmng failed: Template domainVhost.php doesn't exists

Error messages: 1; Warnings: 0; Errors resolved: 0

Then it's domainVhost.php that doesn't exists, i'm definitely not an expert but i really have no idea why there is missing .php files and why this suddenly happened.

If anyone can help, thanks so much.
have you tried just # plesk repair web without the domain name and do you use a custom template?
Hi Brujo, thanks for your answer ! Yes i have and i got the same error, that one :

Execution failed.
Command: httpdmng
Arguments: Array
    [0] => --reconfigure-server
    [1] => -no-restart

Details: Template server.php doesn't exists
I just wonder if all configurations are broken or just a specified one.. whas there an update of plesk?
please share the output ofthe cli comand
# plesk db "select * from Configurations where status <>'OK'"
There is the output. I didn't noticed that at the beginning but for public-montessori.fr for example i have a blank page while for another like vivienpoly.com i have a 502 bad gateway Nginx. Maybe this can help ?

I didn't updated before this happened, and my plesk is up to date ( Plesk Obsidian 18.0.26 )

| id  | name               | serviceNodeId | file                                                                                 | version              | objectType  | objectId | status     | active | description                                     | errorFile |

| id  | name               | serviceNodeId | file                                                                                 | version              | objectType  | objectId | status     | active | description                                     | errorFile |


|   1 | server             |             1 | /etc/httpd/conf/plesk.conf.d/server.conf                                             | 15885166290.14009000 | server      |     NULL | generation | true   | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|   2 | nginx              |             1 | /etc/nginx/plesk.conf.d/server.conf                                                  | 15885046950.39159600 | nginxServer |     NULL | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|   3 | domainWebmail      |             1 | /etc/httpd/conf/plesk.conf.d/webmails/vivienpoly.com_webmail.conf                    | 15885166290.14009000 | domain      |        1 | generation | true   | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|   4 | nginxDomainWebmail |             1 | /etc/nginx/plesk.conf.d/webmails/vivienpoly.com_webmail.conf                         | 15885046950.39159600 | nginxDomain |        1 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|   5 | domainVhost        |             1 | /var/www/vhosts/system/vivienpoly.com/conf/httpd.conf                                | 15885082480.96493400 | domain      |        1 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|   6 | nginxDomainVhost   |             1 | /var/www/vhosts/system/vivienpoly.com/conf/nginx.conf                                | 15884994520.09414500 | nginxDomain |        1 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|   7 | domainWebmail      |             1 | /etc/httpd/conf/plesk.conf.d/webmails/ipotetu.com_webmail.conf                       | 15885166290.14009000 | domain      |        2 | generation | true   | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|   8 | nginxDomainWebmail |             1 | /etc/nginx/plesk.conf.d/webmails/ipotetu.com_webmail.conf                            | 15885046950.39159600 | nginxDomain |        2 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|   9 | domainVhost        |             1 | /var/www/vhosts/system/ipotetu.com/conf/httpd.conf                                   | 15885082480.96493400 | domain      |        2 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  10 | nginxDomainVhost   |             1 | /var/www/vhosts/system/ipotetu.com/conf/nginx.conf                                   | 15884994520.09414500 | nginxDomain |        2 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  13 | domainWebmail      |             1 | /etc/httpd/conf/plesk.conf.d/webmails/sebastiengarciaz.com_webmail.conf              | 15885166290.14009000 | domain      |        4 | generation | true   | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  14 | nginxDomainWebmail |             1 | /etc/nginx/plesk.conf.d/webmails/sebastiengarciaz.com_webmail.conf                   | 15885046950.39159600 | nginxDomain |        4 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  15 | domainVhost        |             1 | /var/www/vhosts/system/sebastiengarciaz.com/conf/httpd.conf                          | 15885092560.37185300 | domain      |        4 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  16 | nginxDomainVhost   |             1 | /var/www/vhosts/system/sebastiengarciaz.com/conf/nginx.conf                          | 15882620080.55015600 | nginxDomain |        4 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  21 | domainWebmail      |             1 | /etc/httpd/conf/plesk.conf.d/webmails/robertofores.com_webmail.conf                  | 15885166290.14009000 | domain      |        6 | generation | true   | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  22 | nginxDomainWebmail |             1 | /etc/nginx/plesk.conf.d/webmails/robertofores.com_webmail.conf                       | 15885046950.39159600 | nginxDomain |        6 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  23 | domainVhost        |             1 | /var/www/vhosts/system/robertofores.com/conf/httpd.conf                              | 15885082480.96493400 | domain      |        6 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  25 | domainWebmail      |             1 | /etc/httpd/conf/plesk.conf.d/webmails/labobinecinema.com_webmail.conf                | 15885166290.14009000 | domain      |        7 | generation | true   | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  26 | nginxDomainWebmail |             1 | /etc/nginx/plesk.conf.d/webmails/labobinecinema.com_webmail.conf                     | 15885046950.39159600 | nginxDomain |        7 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  27 | domainVhost        |             1 | /var/www/vhosts/system/labobinecinema.com/conf/httpd.conf                            | 15885082480.96493400 | domain      |        7 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  29 | domainWebmail      |             1 | /etc/httpd/conf/plesk.conf.d/webmails/clairemarieleguay.com_webmail.conf             | 15885166290.14009000 | domain      |        8 | generation | true   | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  30 | nginxDomainWebmail |             1 | /etc/nginx/plesk.conf.d/webmails/clairemarieleguay.com_webmail.conf                  | 15885046950.39159600 | nginxDomain |        8 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  31 | domainVhost        |             1 | /var/www/vhosts/system/clairemarieleguay.com/conf/httpd.conf                         | 15885082480.96493400 | domain      |        8 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  32 | nginxDomainVhost   |             1 | /var/www/vhosts/system/clairemarieleguay.com/conf/nginx.conf                         | 15884994520.09414500 | nginxDomain |        8 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  33 | domainWebmail      |             1 | /etc/httpd/conf/plesk.conf.d/webmails/mellevirginie.com_webmail.conf                 | 15885166290.14009000 | domain      |        9 | generation | true   | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  34 | nginxDomainWebmail |             1 | /etc/nginx/plesk.conf.d/webmails/mellevirginie.com_webmail.conf                      | 15885046950.39159600 | nginxDomain |        9 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  35 | domainVhost        |             1 | /var/www/vhosts/system/mellevirginie.com/conf/httpd.conf                             | 15885082480.96493400 | domain      |        9 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

|  36 | nginxDomainVhost   |             1 | /var/www/vhosts/system/mellevirginie.com/conf/nginx.conf                             | 15884994520.09414500 | nginxDomain |        9 | generation | false  | Configuration changes scheduled and not applied |           |

I don't know if it can help but when i try to enable and disable nginx ( it's running fine )

/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/nginxmng -d
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/nginxmng -e

I also got Template server.php doesn't exists
Last edited:
Hi everyone ! I'm almost ok and i think i understand my problem, maybe it will be more easy for you now to help me to fix my issue !

I figured out that my domain.conf files are all located as /var/www/vhosts/system/example.com/conf/httpd.conf but it looks like the server is looking ( via
/etc/httpd/conf.d/zz010_psa_httpd.conf ) into /etc/httpd/conf/plesk.conf.d/vhosts/ and it's expecting a example.com.conf file for each domain.

If i do "mv /var/www/vhosts/system/example.com/conf/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf/plesk.conf.d/vhosts/example.com.conf" it now work but screw the https.

So from there i think i've two options :
1. ask zz010_psa_httpd.conf ( but looks like is auto-generated ) to look into /var/www/vhosts/system/ { all my domains } ( looks the best thing to do )
2. put the conf files back into /etc/httpd/conf/plesk.conf.d/vhosts/

What is the proper way and the right procedure ? Thanks lot