• The ImunifyAV extension is now deprecated and no longer available for installation.
    Existing ImunifyAV installations will continue operating for three months, and after that will automatically be replaced with the new Imunify extension. We recommend that you manually replace any existing ImunifyAV installations with Imunify at your earliest convenience.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Search results

  1. R

    DrWeb not starting?? Mail failed, sendmail error 111

    I had the same problem, in my case the reply from qmail during attempts to send mail was: And the same errors in the maillog: It can be easily fixed by removing the invalid line, but - I'm not sure what caused this invalid line to appear in users.conf in the first place
  2. R

    The file client.domain.backup.php is part of Plesk distribution.

    license key is usually in /etc/psa/ but there is no need to backup it - upgrade does not delete it, the worst thing it can do with license is automatically upgrade it from 8.x to 9.x license format.
  3. R

    The file client.domain.backup.php is part of Plesk distribution.

    that's what I was afraid of - you have Plesk main packages installed from three different branches: as well as some other packages, but this one is the most important. Usually it happens when upgrade fails in the middle of psa package upgrade - in such cases some files are upgraded to 9.2...
  4. R

    The file client.domain.backup.php is part of Plesk distribution.

    your log file says that the update has failed - and if you have a mix of Plesk packages for different versions then such error is not the worst thing that can happen :) I recommend you to check what Plesk packages are currently installed: # rpm -qa | grep psa- And at first you should...
  5. R

    Missing icons in Plesk 9.2

    Hultenius, I guess it would be faster to do it yourself while waiting for the patch - I just had the same issue to deal with and posted my experience here: http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?t=89376
  6. R

    [HOWTO] Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility

    btw, JTRipper, I think in Windows it should be even simpler since usually Plesk CP is just another virtual host in IIS (if you haven't switched it to Apache of course). And as I understand it is possible to add custom header to output in IIS as well. Although I didn't do it in Windows so I...
  7. R

    [HOWTO] Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility

    Manuel, thank you so much for posting this workaround here! I was just dealing with the same issue and without your advise I would have spent much more time! Allow me to enhance your solution on Plesk 9 for Unix as well :) Indeed, since Plesk 9 new control panel web server was introduced -...
  8. R

    Multiple FTP accounts per domain

    thanks for the input Michael, but as I understand this feature is about full-fledged FTP access to domain - webusers can only access one directory while sometimes it's needed to have separate users accessing entire domain via FTP, under different accounts.
  9. R

    Multiple FTP accounts per domain

    it is a long anticipated feature and people asked for it since PSA 5 I guess, I hope some day this will be implemented. btw, a while ago I successfully used this addon: http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?p=367701 too bad it's not available for download anymore.
  10. R

    Error installing Plesk Panel 9.0.1 on FreeBSD 6.3

    lol, fighting is very appropriate word here :) FreeBSD was always kinda supported, but personally I would not go for it on a production server because keeping the Plesk server components up to date can be quite painful on FreeBSD. Anyhow recently I installed Plesk 9.2.1 on FreeBSD 6.4 -...
  11. R

    Restored my plesk - need some help

    Just had the same issue, so let me put some notes here, as this thread seems to be the only place that can be googled by "No SP with id=" string. This error effectively means that there is no Service Provider with such ID. This in turn means that your Plesk server uses Single-sign on (SSO)...
  12. R

    Plesk 8.6 is loading very very slowly

    OMG, you really spammed all threads regarding to Plesk CP slowness with this, including even this Linux one :) I'm sorry, but this sounds like a nana-nunu stuff for me, not a real solution.
  13. R

    can't change sitebuilder support settings

    do you mean you can't change Sitebuilder URL which is shown in PLesk -> Sitebuilder support because it's greyed out? then I guess this KB should help: http://kb.swsoft.com/en/3595 if not - please specify what (and where) exactly is greyed out.
  14. R

    can't change sitebuilder support settings

    well, Nick, i'm really sorry, but if you want some help here then you should at least describe what is your problem in details. "can't figure out" doesn't help to understand what is it at all.
  15. R

    can't change sitebuilder support settings

    shoggy24, what exactly did you try to run? the utility is /usr/local/psa/bin/sitebuilder, so you have to insert "/usr/local/psa/bin/sitebuilder --help" to run it. yopade in his reply already was in /usr/local/psa/bin directory, that why he had to type "./sitebuilder --help" to run command...
  16. R

    How do I change the port for SSH Migration

    agents are located in [/usr/local|/opt/psa]/psa/PMM, explanation how migration works can be found here: http://forum.swsoft.com/showpost.php?p=193601&postcount=2
  17. R

    How do I change the port for SSH Migration

    good question - did you try to just specify it in the remote host (Source host) field, like ? I remember one time we tried that but I don't remember if it really helped or not. Anyway it is possible to do the first migration steps manually, i.e. upload needed agent to remote...
  18. R

    Stale data in /usr/local/psa/PMM/var

    indeed, looks like some files are also stored there, and since it's name is ../tmp I think nothing important should be left there after the migration finishes. well, to be sure not to break anything, I suggest to just move those folders that are to be deleted to /tmp for example, then let the...
  19. R

    Stale data in /usr/local/psa/PMM/var

    absolutely, as far as I know there are no migration manager files, only temporary data retreived from remote hosts. and even if you delete something important reinstallation of psa-migration-manager package will restore all needed files. probably you've ticked the checkbox in the end of...
  20. R

    Deployment progress for host....

    It can happen for many reasons, hard to say why without taking a look at the logs. Deployment is basically execution of some Plesk utilities to create needed entites and then unpacking of archives, see this post for general scheme: http://forum.swsoft.com/showpost.php?p=193601&postcount=2...