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  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.


  1. M

    Resolved Webserver does not work after installing memcached

    I installed memcached like found here in the forum. After I actiaved socache_memcache in Apache thue Plesk panel After gateway error on all webs. Analyzing the error, I found that apache webserver only started on port 7080 (http) but not 7081 (https) so NGINX does not get information from...
  2. B

    Issue We're sorry, but something went wrong.

    Hi everybody, my website suddenly shows me We're sorry, but something went wrong error, i have checked most of the configuration files but couldn't find anything suspicious. I really appreciate any kind of help!
  3. K

    Question run plesk as non root user

    Hi together, ive successfuly installed an plesk on my vps server. After an installation the plesk is running as root user. Is it possible to change that ? for security reasons i would like to run as non root user ? Is it possible or normal that plesk is runnung as root user ? Br Christian
  4. splintermark77

    Question How to save my webserver

    I have plesk installed on my web server. It's all new to me. I wonder how can I secure my web server from http to https.
  5. A

    Question Additional web server and additional home partition.

    Hello, I have been using Plesk Onyx in windows server 2012 R2. I would like to know there is any way we can add additional web server and control it from single plesk? And also if we can add/create additional home partition and use for hosting my domains like we can do with other control panel...
  6. BrinsleyP

    Resolved Change vhost dir [ /var/www/vhosts ]

    Hello to every... i have two situations how to set in new server instalation to vhost change to /home and not in /var/www/vhosts in a servers runs how to change and move vhosts to /home So, its possible ?
  7. O

    Question Cronjob Plesk Apache Restart ?

    Hello Guys , i have a little question for example i would like to restart the Apache 2 Webserver of plesk every 4 Days at 12:00 at night . How i can make it ? I have a : - Ubuntu System 14.04 LTS - Ican restart my webserver with /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Crontab -e look actually bellow ...
  8. S

    Change webserver settings for file sharing ... but where?

    Hi Folks, I would like to change a apache directive for the file sharing feature in plesk v12.5.30. The responsible config file for the file sharing feature is: /opt/psa/admin/conf/file_sharing.conf I want to change it like following part: <Directory "/var/www/vhosts/fs/unlisted"> Options...