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10.4.4 with Mail Enable: "Total mailboxes quota is not supported by the mail server"


Regular Pleskian
Windows 2008 R2
Plesk 10.4.4
Mail Enable standard 6.0 installed by Plesk.

When migrating domains from an older (9.2.1) to a new (10.4.4) installation I get this error messages in the migration task log:

---CUT HERE---
Execution of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\bin\domain_pref.exe" --update domain.name -overuse block -disk_space 524288000B -disk_space_soft 471859200B -expiration 2012-07-24 -max_box 5 -max_cf_dsn -1 -max_db 0 -max_dom_aliases 4 -max_fpse_users -1 -max_maillists 2 -max_mssql_db 1 -max_odbc_dsn -1 -max_shared_ssl_links 0 -max_subdom 1 -max_subftp_users -1 -max_traffic -1 -max_webapps 0 -max_wu 5 -mbox_quota 76800000B -mssql_dbase_space 209715200B -mysql_dbase_space 209715200B -total_mboxes_quota 52428800B -allow_ftp_backups true -allow_local_backups true -create_domains false -manage_additional_permissions false -manage_anonftp false -manage_crontab false -manage_dns false -manage_domain_aliases false -manage_iis_app_pool false -manage_log false -manage_maillists true -manage_performance false -manage_phosting false -manage_quota false -manage_shared_ssl false -manage_sh_access false -manage_spamfilter true -manage_subdomains true -manage_subftp true -manage_virusfilter false -manage_webapps true -manage_webstat true -manage_php_settings false -manage_mail_settings false -select_db_server false -access_appcatalog true -allow_insecure_sites true -manage_website_maintenance false -manage_protected_dirs false -access_service_users false -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 1.
Stderr is
An error occurred while updating domain settings: Total mailboxes quota is not supported by the mail server
---CUT HERE---

I've also seen the same issue reported for Plesk 9 here: http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?t=108967
What happened in the meantime? Is the quota working in Plesk-10.4.4 & Mailenable-6.0 combination?
We have confirmed this as bug, fix will be prepared in one of upcoming updates.
Thank you for feedback.
As far as I know Total mailboxes quota limit is supported only on Merak and SmarterMail mailservers.