Basic Pleskian
- Server operating system version
- Centos 7.9.2009
- Plesk version and microupdate number
- 18.0.43 Update #1
I've read and tried solutions from various other threads but still getting the problem. Desperate now, I'm asking for help! 
I had a migration script running every 4 hours to copy-content from one Plesk server to another. I know there is a debate about whether this is the right way to do things but that's a separate issue. For now that's how it's working.
Yesterday I updated the Plesk admin passwords on both source and destination servers, and the root password on the source server. I updated the root password in /usr/local/psa/var/modules/panel-migrator/conf/config.ini accordingly.
But now when the copy-content command runs, every time it tries to migrate one of the databases, it gives this error (with key details redacted for public posting here):
Failed to perform an action on subscription 'xxxxx': Failed to copy content of database 'xxxxx' Exception message: Migration tools tried to perform operation in 3 attempts: Command execution failed on the source server 'pfu' (xxx.xx.xxx.xxx) with non-zero exit code.
command: MYSQL_PWD="$(cat)" mysqldump --no-defaults -h localhost -P 3306 -uadmin --quick --quote-names --add-drop-table --default-character-set=utf8 --set-charset --routines --events xxxxxx > /root/plesk_migrator/plesk_migrator-ylaja2280wl5cyh98eacjsvbqg3wfi2q/db-dumps/xxxxxxx.sql
exit code: 2
stderr: mysqldump: Got error: 1045: "Access denied for user 'admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)" when trying to connect
The last line suggests my changing of Plesk's admin passwords on either the source or the destination was to blame. But I was unwise enough not to note what they were before, so I cannot change them back.
Any idea how I can persuade the migrator to copy my databases again? I know the MariaDB admin@localhost password isn't supposed to be the same as the Plesk ones, but the Plesk ones were the only ones that changed, and that's definitely when the problem occurred.
Thanks in advance!
I had a migration script running every 4 hours to copy-content from one Plesk server to another. I know there is a debate about whether this is the right way to do things but that's a separate issue. For now that's how it's working.
Yesterday I updated the Plesk admin passwords on both source and destination servers, and the root password on the source server. I updated the root password in /usr/local/psa/var/modules/panel-migrator/conf/config.ini accordingly.
But now when the copy-content command runs, every time it tries to migrate one of the databases, it gives this error (with key details redacted for public posting here):
Failed to perform an action on subscription 'xxxxx': Failed to copy content of database 'xxxxx' Exception message: Migration tools tried to perform operation in 3 attempts: Command execution failed on the source server 'pfu' (xxx.xx.xxx.xxx) with non-zero exit code.
command: MYSQL_PWD="$(cat)" mysqldump --no-defaults -h localhost -P 3306 -uadmin --quick --quote-names --add-drop-table --default-character-set=utf8 --set-charset --routines --events xxxxxx > /root/plesk_migrator/plesk_migrator-ylaja2280wl5cyh98eacjsvbqg3wfi2q/db-dumps/xxxxxxx.sql
exit code: 2
stderr: mysqldump: Got error: 1045: "Access denied for user 'admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)" when trying to connect
The last line suggests my changing of Plesk's admin passwords on either the source or the destination was to blame. But I was unwise enough not to note what they were before, so I cannot change them back.
Any idea how I can persuade the migrator to copy my databases again? I know the MariaDB admin@localhost password isn't supposed to be the same as the Plesk ones, but the Plesk ones were the only ones that changed, and that's definitely when the problem occurred.
Thanks in advance!