The first line quoted ("SettroubleshootPrivileged.conf") points to an issue with SELinux. The last line is probably just a symptom. No D-Bus = system won't work properly, so all the following errors are probably caused or linked with the first.
I can say that I updated Alma from 9.2 to 9.3 on a production machine this morning, with SELinux and SELinux Plesk context active, and it did not cause any issues. It had updated 207 files of the operating system.
If you suspect that Plesk, the update respectively, is the cause for the D-Bus error, you could submit a ticket to Plesk support and let a support engineer check it. From my personal experience such issues are rather results of disks delivering wrong or uninterpretable data (maybe there is an error on the disk) or some awkward, rare other glitches on the OS level. Maybe an older Kernel running along with newer other services.