• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Resolved Can't access to upgrade section


New Pleskian
Hello guys, I can't access to upgrades plesk for add a php versions
it is continuously loading until showing me the page cannot be loaded

And, I can't add a rule firewall too, I feel like there is an update that removed things?


  • aa.png
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Try to look into the processes of the autoinstaller with
# strace -p 19261
# strace -p 19262
# strace -p 19263
and see if these are doing something or if they are just sitting there.
Then please check /var/log/plesk/install/autoinstaller3.log if there are ongoing log entries of if the log is static and no new lines are being added (e.g after a minute or two).
If nothing is happening and only in that case, kill the processes with
# kill 19261
# kill 19262
# kill 19263
Afterwards open the installer page again.
Try to look into the processes of the autoinstaller with
# strace -p 19261
# strace -p 19262
# strace -p 19263
and see if these are doing something or if they are just sitting there.
Then please check /var/log/plesk/install/autoinstaller3.log if there are ongoing log entries of if the log is static and no new lines are being added (e.g after a minute or two).
If nothing is happening and only in that case, kill the processes with
# kill 19261
# kill 19262
# kill 19263
Afterwards open the installer page again.

Thanks for your help, I try to do this, but I don't think I used the correct method to verify the file autoinstaller3.log, so If you can help me for check this file, it would be nice

It seems that the processes are already killed.

To look into a file, use the Linux "less" command, e.g.

# less /var/log/plesk/install/autoinstaller3.log

But as your processes have been killed anyway, you can proceed to open the installer/update page again.
1.png: You need to scroll to the end to see what was going on.

5.png: When installer processes are active, it is normal that the page cannot be reloaded easily. That is why I asked for the installer processes in the first place. In your screenshot you first showed three active installer processes. For that reason I asked to check what these are doing. When you checked, the processes were not present any more. Have you checked whether others were active?

Have you also checked that that the Plesk firewall is not blocking port 8447? In the "firewall" settings you can enable or disable the Plesk update port 8447. Also make sure that this port is not blocked by any other firewall, e.g. one in front of your server in your data center. Some data centers like OVH block many ports by default. In that case you need to open it in your datacenter's firewall.
1.png: Vous devez faire défiler jusqu'à la fin pour voir ce qui se passait.

5.png: Lorsque les processus d'installation sont actifs, il est normal que la page ne puisse pas être rechargée facilement. C'est pourquoi j'ai demandé les processus d'installation en premier lieu. Dans votre capture d'écran, vous avez d'abord montré trois processus d'installation actifs. Pour cette raison, j'ai demandé à vérifier ce qu'ils faisaient. Lorsque vous avez coché, les processus n'étaient plus présents. Avez-vous vérifié si les autres étaient actifs?

Avez-vous également vérifié que le pare-feu Plesk ne bloque pas le port 8447? Dans les paramètres «pare-feu», vous pouvez activer ou désactiver le port de mise à jour de Plesk 8447. Assurez-vous également que ce port n'est bloqué par aucun autre pare-feu, par exemple celui devant votre serveur dans votre centre de données. Certains centres de données comme OVH bloquent par défaut de nombreux ports. Dans ce cas, vous devez l'ouvrir dans le pare-feu de votre centre de données.
Thanks for your help

The problem is that I can't find a way to add a port or to verify it, take a look at my firewall panel
It's like, things are missing

And on my datacenter's the port its okay
