Server is Debian 8 64-bit and Plesk 12.5 Web Pro
I'm trying to install Plesk Migrator on fresh Server(System and PLESK 12.5) installation. Installation eds with:
Durring installation got message is 1 package need to be install
Then I've got in logs:
Any help?
Server is Debian 8 64-bit and Plesk 12.5 Web Pro
I'm trying to install Plesk Migrator on fresh Server(System and PLESK 12.5) installation. Installation eds with:
Durring installation got message is 1 package need to be install
1. [I] ext-panel-migrator-1.11.1-0.noarch
Then I've got in logs:
[2016-05-09 10:49:43.964878] Following packages will be installed: ext-panel-migrator-1.11.1-0.noarch
[2016-05-09 10:49:43.964925] ----------------
[2016-05-09 10:49:43.965009] Sprawdzanie, czy zależności pakietu są rozwiązane.
[2016-05-09 10:49:43.965151] autoinstaller: read output of DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive LANG=C apt-get --assume-yes --show-upgraded --purge --no-reinstall -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup=true -o Dpkg::options::=--force-confdef -o Dpkg::options::=--force-confold -o APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated=false -o Acquire::Retries=3 -t 'jessie*' --just-print install
[2016-05-09 10:49:44.682896] (regen obsoletes cache)
[2016-05-09 10:49:44.683178] Check package set before installation
[2016-05-09 10:49:44.683987] The following packages from not selected components will be installed because they are required by other components' packages you selected for installation:
[2016-05-09 10:49:44.684210] The following components should be removed due to packages dependencies: ~empty
[2016-05-09 10:50:02.700123] Instalowanie pakietów
[2016-05-09 10:50:02.708599] Bootstrapper has finished action (exec time: 0 sec.): parent_name='PLESK_12_5_30', sequence='prep', stage='execute', sequence_order='-1', operation='install', exec_cmd='touch /tmp/pp-bootstrapper-mode.flag; touch /var/lock/parallels-panel-maintenance-mode.flag; rm -f /var/lock/parallels-panel-upgrade-failure.flag; :'', m_arch='', output: ~empty
[2016-05-09 10:50:02.718033] Bootstrapper has finished action (exec time: 0 sec.): parent_name='PLESK_12_5_30', sequence='post', stage='execute', sequence_order='9998', operation='install', exec_cmd='test ! -x /opt/psa/admin/sbin/packagemng || /opt/psa/admin/sbin/packagemng --set-dirty-flag'', m_arch='', output: ~empty
[2016-05-09 10:50:02.957906]
All stages of the installation/upgrade have been finished.
psa is now running on your system.
To complete the system configuration process, please proceed to URL:
https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8443/ or
Use 'root' and '<YOUR root PASSWORD>' as login name and password in case of fresh installation.
Use 'admin' and '<YOUR admin PASSWORD>' as login name and password in case of upgrade,
or if Plesk is already configured.
Further, use the following commands to start and stop the system:
/etc/init.d/psa start and
/etc/init.d/psa stop respectively.
Bootstrapper has finished action (exec time: 0 sec.): parent_name='PLESK_12_5_30', sequence='post', stage='execute', sequence_order='9999', operation='install', exec_cmd='/opt/psa/bootstrapper/pp12.5.30-bootstrapper/bootstrapper.sh perform-deferred-actions'', m_arch='', output:
All stages of the installation/upgrade have been finished.
psa is now running on your system.
To complete the system configuration process, please proceed to URL:
https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8443/ or
Use 'root' and '<YOUR root PASSWORD>' as login name and password in case of fresh installation.
Use 'admin' and '<YOUR admin PASSWORD>' as login name and password in case of upgrade,
or if Plesk is already configured.
Further, use the following commands to start and stop the system:
/etc/init.d/psa start and
/etc/init.d/psa stop respectively.
[2016-05-09 10:50:02.990651] Bootstrapper has finished action (exec time: 0 sec.): parent_name='PLESK_12_5_30', sequence='post', stage='commit', sequence_order='1', operation='install', exec_cmd='rm -f /tmp/pp-bootstrapper-mode.flag; rm -f /var/lock/parallels-panel-maintenance-mode.flag; :'', m_arch='', output: ~empty
[2016-05-09 10:50:10.078070] Wykonany proces został zakończony z powodu nieobsłużonego sygnału otrzymanego z systemu. (9)
[2016-05-09 10:50:10.112827] Execute command /opt/psa/admin/bin/send-error-report install --version 12.5.30
[2016-05-09 10:50:10.114301] Warning: Failed to attach to cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/user/root/tasks, installer might be unexpectedly killed later by the system
[2016-05-09 10:50:10.117657] FileFetcher: get file (~empty)/PSA_12.5.30/plesk-12.5.30-deb8.0-x86_64.inf3
[2016-05-09 10:50:10.145560] FileFetcher: get file (~empty)/SITEBUILDER_12.5.29/sitebuilder-12.5.29-deball-all.inf3
[2016-05-09 10:50:10.162383] FileFetcher: get file (~empty)/NGINX_1.9.14/nginx-1.9.14-deb8.0-x86_64.plesk12.inf3
[2016-05-09 10:50:10.176936] FileFetcher: get file (~empty)/PHP_7.0.5/php70-7.0.5-deb8.0-x86_64.inf3
[2016-05-09 10:50:10.192036] FileFetcher: get file (~empty)/PHP_5.6.20/php56-5.6.20-deb8.0-x86_64.inf3
[2016-05-09 10:50:10.207200] FileFetcher: get file (~empty)/PHP_5.5.34/php55-5.5.34-deb8.0-x86_64.inf3
[2016-05-09 10:50:10.222145] FileFetcher: get file (~empty)/PHP_5.4.45/php54-5.4.45-deb8.0-x86_64.inf3
[2016-05-09 10:50:10.236951] FileFetcher: get file (~empty)/PHP_5.3.29/php53-5.3.29-deb8.0-x86_64.inf3
[2016-05-09 10:50:10.251737] FileFetcher: get file (~empty)/PHP_5.2.17/php52-5.2.17-deb8.0-x86_64.inf3
[2016-05-09 10:50:10.266849] FileFetcher: get file (~empty)/PMM_0.1.10/pmm-0.1.10-deb8.0-x86_64.inf3
[2016-05-09 10:50:10.285405] Error: Wykonany proces został zakończony z powodu nieobsłużonego sygnału otrzymanego z systemu.
Proszę spróbować zainstalować pakiety ponownie później.
Rozwiąż ten problem i spróbuj ponownie zainstalować pakiety.
Jeśli nie możesz rozwiązać problemu samodzielnie, skontaktuj się z obsługą techniczną po pomoc.
Any help?