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Resolved Cron Error /opt/psa/admin/plib/modules/letsencrypt/scripts/keep-secured.php


New Pleskian
Hey there,
since this morning I get a hourly mail with the following subject:
"/opt/psa/admin/bin/php -dmemory_limit=-1 -dauto_prepend_file=sdk.php '/opt/psa/admin/plib/modules/letsencrypt/scripts/keep-secured.php' > /dev/null"
and the content
[2020-11-10 09:59:01.836] ERR [panel] Protocol version '' is deprecated. Current protocol version is ''.

Server: Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS
Plesk Obsidian 18.0.31

Does anyone know an idea or solution?

Are you sure that your Plesk was successfully upgraded? API XML protocol version '' was actual for Plesk 17.0 version according to About XML API
yes, i am sure. You can see it in attached file.
With #plesk -v I see the same
Product Version: Plesk Obsidian
OS Ver: Ubuntu 16.04 x86_64
Build: 2020/10/25
Revision No.

In the past I have not noticed any errors. Today, 30min before first error this was updated:
libldap-2.4-2 2.4.42+dfsg-2ubuntu3.10 vom Repository Ubuntu for xenial-updates by Ubuntu (vorherige Version: 2.4.42+dfsg-2ubuntu3.9 vom Repository now)


  • Bildschirmfoto 2020-11-10 um 12.41.09.png
    Bildschirmfoto 2020-11-10 um 12.41.09.png
    47.7 KB · Views: 7
Good Morning,
The problem still exist...
I've checked the plesk installation via # plesk repair all -n with the result that no problem was detected

It seems there is a problem with XML API and/ or Lets Encrypt. I don't get any other errors. Is there a solution to upgrade XML API manually?

# plesk installer --select-release-current --reinstall-patch --upgrade-installed-components
# plesk repair installation
Hi Igor,
unfortunately not a good result...
plesk commands, server reboot - all done. But the latest version and all selected component were installed and I got no errors. The reinstall of Lets Encrypt (why ever) did not help either.
For the moment I can turn off the error-message in the cronjob - but this can't be the final solution.
Same error here:

# plesk -v
Product version: Plesk Obsidian
OS version: Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64
Build date: 2020/11/06 13:00
Revision: cf684e5c2349ebba6cfda04eae8c776966019cd8
Good Morning Igor,
i can't submit a Report cause I don't "have permission to view this page or perform this action."
Same problem here

plesk -v
Product version: Plesk Obsidian
OS version: CentOS 7.9.2009 x86_64
Build date: 2020/11/06 13:00
Revision: cf684e5c2349ebba6cfda04eae8c776966019cd8
#plesk installer --select-release-current --reinstall-patch --upgrade-installed-components
# plesk repair installation
Came back with "--reinstall-patch" deprecated so will ignore
With the hint from devs

edit "/usr/local/psa/admin/conf/panel.ini"
deprecationWarning = off

the error messages no longer appear. Thx!

I have the same issue.

Got this email daily, for the last three days:

[2020-11-14 04:00:02.191] ERR [panel] Protocol version '' is deprecated. Current protocol version is ''.

This thread is marked as Resolved, should we just wait for the next patch to fix this?

Kind Regards

I have the same issue.

Got this email daily, for the last three days:

[2020-11-14 04:00:02.191] ERR [panel] Protocol version '' is deprecated. Current protocol version is ''.

This thread is marked as Resolved, should we just wait for the next patch to fix this?

Kind Regards
Hi, exactly, "deprecationWarning = off" is certainly not the permanent solution (I hope).

So its a false error message?
And this is because the XML_RPC protocol I happen to be using is deprecated?
So there is no deeper underlying issue that needs to be fixed?!?
Thanks very much.