• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
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Issue Dropbox backup error 1


Regular Pleskian
I start using dropbox backup on several servers.
It run fine everywhere except on one server (Plesk 12.5 under Debian 7.11) where i get this error message :

Failed to Execute: '/opt/psa/bin/pleskbackup' server --output-file='/tmp/dropboxXuiS17.tar' 2>&1
Output: error: Can't export file 'backup_info_1702231032.xml' to /tmp/dropboxXuiS17.tar. Error code: 1.

How can i solve this problem ?

Make sure that there is enough disk space in /tmp to hold the backup.
This is free space on this server :
Sys. fich. Taille Util. Dispo Uti% Monté sur
rootfs 48G 33G 13G 73% /
udev 10M 0 10M 0% /dev
tmpfs 201M 276K 201M 1% /run
/dev/mapper/vg01-root 48G 33G 13G 73% /
tmpfs 5,0M 0 5,0M 0% /run/lock
tmpfs 402M 0 402M 0% /run/shm
/dev/sda2 895M 21M 827M 3% /boot
tmpfs 1004M 140K 1003M 1% /tmp
tmpfs 1004M 0 1004M 0% /var/tmp

Why /tmp is so small ?? 1G is unsufficient to hold this server backup ...

Also i dsicovered on this server that backup dumps are not deleted after they are compressed in bakup archive and sent to backup server by ftp.
So in /var/lib/psa/dumps/domains/... i have days of xml and tgz files that should not be here.
Perhaps it is because dropbox backup can't finish his work ... so it don't delete it.

I just had a look on another server and i have this :

Sys. de fichiers Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur
/dev/dm-0 48G 11G 35G 24% /
udev 10M 0 10M 0% /dev
tmpfs 792M 81M 711M 11% /run
tmpfs 2,0G 4,0K 2,0G 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5,0M 0 5,0M 0% /run/lock
tmpfs 2,0G 0 2,0G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda2 939M 33M 860M 4% /boot

The difference come from the one with problem is under debian 7.11, the other one 8.7.

So i have 2 solutions :
1 - Change tmp folder for dropbox backup.
2 - Change size for tmpfs.

What is best one and how to ?
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Changing partition sizes can be a really dangerous thing. You might loose all your data over it. I'd not do that. Instead you can simply create a directory like "/tmpbackup" on a partition where you have enough space, then create /dumps and /PMM/tmp descending from it and give it the same permissions as the defaults and enter these directories instead of "/tmp" into /etc/psa.conf like for instance:

Change default configuration
# Backups directory
DUMP_D /var/lib/psa/dumps
DUMP_TMP_D /usr/local/psa/PMM/tmp

to your new individual configuration (for example):
# Backups directory
DUMP_D /tmpbackup/dumps
DUMP_TMP_D /tmpbackup/PMM/tmp

Then restart the panel:
# service psa stopall
# service psa start
Hello Peter,
Good advice, ijust done that and i will see result tomorrow.
Conf file is /etc/psa/psa.conf (you forgot psa dir).

Thx for help.