hey is anyone have the same error come up when they try to renew the free SSL please help
Error: Could not get Mozilla tls config: cURL error 77: (see libcurl - Error Codes)
Could not issue an SSL/TLS certificate for XXX.com.au
Could not issue a Let's Encrypt SSL/TLS certificate for XXX.com.au.
Failed to connect to the Let's Encrypt server .
Please try again later or report the issue to support.
Could not obtain directory: cURL error 77: (see libcurl - Error Codes) for https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
Error: Could not get Mozilla tls config: cURL error 77: (see libcurl - Error Codes)
Could not issue an SSL/TLS certificate for XXX.com.au
Could not issue a Let's Encrypt SSL/TLS certificate for XXX.com.au.
Failed to connect to the Let's Encrypt server .
Please try again later or report the issue to support.
Could not obtain directory: cURL error 77: (see libcurl - Error Codes) for https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory