i've migrate server dump into plesk for restore but i've this error in the migration.log :
How can i have information about "CONTENT-ERROR" ?
I can not restore my server.
i've migrate server dump into plesk for restore but i've this error in the migration.log :
<dump description="" owner-guid="8fd222dc-15d3-4be5-be79-69039a1f83ed" verification-string="$AES-128-CBC$+XNpV0vRlT9IbMO0YXUBgw==$CaUiIz7485wJ/niX37BRFd12SmuPHReBccvy7eLuycc=" name="sauv_systeme_plesk_info_1307080014.xml" owner-type="server" creation-date="1307080014" fullname="sauv_systeme_plesk_info_1307080014.xml" size="31791353039">
<dump-status dump-status="CONTENT-ERROR">
How can i have information about "CONTENT-ERROR" ?
I can not restore my server.