• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Import MySQL-Database failed after upgrade to Plesk 11.5 or latest update


Basic Pleskian
Since we upgraded to Plesk 11.5 or (I'm not shure) the last Update 12, user can not import MySQL-Databases anymore.
If the user open phpMyAdmin for import and select the database and click on Ok, phpMyAdmin does nothing.
I heard that could be a problem with JQUERY and I checked the files in \Parallels\admin\htdocs\domains\databases\phpMyAdmin\js\jquery and all files seems to be there. Only if I check the source of the phpMyAdmin Import-Website it seems, there is a problem with jquery-1.6.2+fix-9521.js. But I have no idee, how I can fix this problem for all Windows-Servers.

Any ideas, how I can fix this problem?

I seem to have the same problem, having updated to 11.5 last night. Clicking the "Go" button on the import page produces absolutely no result. Very annoying!

Regards, John
Also having the same problem, updated today and can not import database, it simply does nothing when you press the continue button.
I am now reinstalling the 11.0 plesk version because I can not be without my webpage working long time. But I will want to know how to solve this in the plesk 11.5 version.
This is a fairly major problem for me - I'm currently switching servers, and I don't really want to have to invest in a full license for Sql Manager to do it! Has anyone from Parallels see this thread - if so, I'm sure we would all very much appreciate a reply.

Best regards, John
Continue with this problem, can anyone from the plesk team answer us, how to solve this problem or how to fix it, I can not be working without mysql and I want to use plesk 11.5
Can someone provide any related error messages from Plesk logs? Has anybody tried to troubleshoot it?

I do not even know what to investigate. The question is rather, why does not it and what is the approach to fix this?

I do not even know what to investigate. The question is rather, why does not it and what is the approach to fix this?

I always thought it is clear that for provision solutions for the problems it is necessary to investigate problem first. If you can not provide details for investigation and steps to reproduce the problem, then I suggest you contact support team. Experienced supporters will investigate issue directly on your server and fix it. Unfortunately, in the frame of the forum discussion we can't do it, especially since you do not provide any details for this.
I have asked the question in the forum and to learn if anyone else has the same problem. I don't want to spend no money for a support request to Parallels if this problem is already known and may be solved in a simple way.
I have asked the question in the forum and to learn if anyone else has the same problem. I don't want to spend no money for a support request to Parallels if this problem is already known and may be solved in a simple way.

Ok. Let's wait solution from anyone from community.
I always thought it is clear that for provision solutions for the problems it is necessary to investigate problem first. If you can not provide details for investigation and steps to reproduce the problem, then I suggest you contact support team. Experienced supporters will investigate issue directly on your server and fix it. Unfortunately, in the frame of the forum discussion we can't do it, especially since you do not provide any details for this.

When a number of users have a problem following an update, it points towards a problem in the software - especially if the same item worked properly prior to the update. We purchase the software because we use it as a tool - we can't afford time to mess around fixing it if it doesn't work properly. That's the job of the people who sold it to us - Parallels - who are, we presume, experts. We are not experts, which is why we purchase the software!

It is apparent, from Parallels' reply above, that they really have no great concern that the SQL import isn't working. I really don't mind now, because I've found a superb SQL manager for the Mac - "Sequel Pro" - which allows me to bypass PHPmyAdmin. However, more importantly, my websites presently depend on Parallels' software working properly, and this event has removed the confidence I previously had in Parallels. It's not the fact that they can't fix it, it's their attitude that's the problem.

I have always specified Parallels software for my servers, but my next server is now unlikely to use Parallels.

Best regards.
I'm having this issue as well. Removing the phpMyAdmin component and re-installing was no help. Has anyone managed to figure this out yet?

I should also point out that the troubleshooting article posted earlier by Igor is of no help whatsoever.
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We have already submitted corresponding bug (#141524 for your reference) which will be fixed in upcoming microupdate 13.

BTW, When a number of users have a problem following an update, I always hope that one of them will submit good report according to http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?106115
Those who have long been on the forum knows how it is effective, and always use this workflow. Thank them for cooperation!