• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.



New Pleskian
Plesk should be able to support both IPv4 and IPv6 while we transition over - any ETA on IPv6 support?
True but I wanted this in "Suggestions" rather than "How do I" to make sure Parallels dev team know its a missing feature
Your are right its better in this section. Its definitely a must have feature for upcoming plesk versions to be prepared for the v6 switch in the future.
This cannot be repeated enough.. we need IPv6 support. According to Parallels' Senior Public Relations Manager, Service Provider Division it's supposed to arrive in Plesk 10.1. Is sure hope so, we've had native IPv6 access in our datacenter for over a year now. We're missing business opportunities here.
Hello, that's some miscommunication - Plesk 10.1 doesn't have IPv6 support, but IPv6 implementation is started for the next version. Could you tell us more on how you see IPv6 supported in Plesk?

Specifically we are curious -
- how exactly you will give IPv6 into Plesk? Would it be some particular IPs assigned to server? /56 or /64 subnet? Other options?
- do you plan each site (site, not server) to be given either one of IPv4/IPv6 or both IPv4/IPv6 addresses can be assigned simultaneously?
- if pure IPv6 site is hosted, how you see DNS configured to allow incoming connections from IPv4 network? Is it something configured in within Plesk, or different zone content is maintained to be exposed into IPv4?
- how reverse DNS should be managed? Would you delegate reverse subnet management to particular Plesk server or you will keep reverse DNS managed centrally for all Plesk servers on some another server?
Let me answer that for our situation.

- how exactly you will give IPv6 into Plesk? Would it be some particular IPs assigned to server? /56 or /64 subnet? Other options?
I'd say specific IP's to a server. We use stateless autoconfiguration at this moment (1 IP per server), but it would be nice to be able to add IPv6 adresses to a server in the same way that we do with IPv4 addresses right now. Assigning a /64 to a server is an interesting idea, but overkill for our situation (relatively small amount of domains per server).
do you plan each site (site, not server) to be given either one of IPv4/IPv6 or both IPv4/IPv6 addresses can be assigned simultaneously?
We'll definately run dual-stack, so each domain will get one IPv4 and one IPv6 address.
if pure IPv6 site is hosted, how you see DNS configured to allow incoming connections from IPv4 network? Is it something configured in within Plesk, or different zone content is maintained to be exposed into IPv4?
This is a separate issue, the DNS zone for a domain can contain both A and AAAA records. Both the IPv4 and IPv6 address of the nameserver can be supplied to the domain registry. I don't see any problems with having the nameserver listen on v6 by default. The secondary DNS of all our domains is available through IPv6 already.
how reverse DNS should be managed? Would you delegate reverse subnet management to particular Plesk server or you will keep reverse DNS managed centrally for all Plesk servers on some another server?
We don't use reverse DNS in Plesk.. it would be nice to have but the current implementation (where the PTR records are stored in the domain) is not really usable for us. So we use a separate non-Plesk server for this.

At this moment we have a shadow Apache configuration in which we copy a domain's httpd.include and change the Listen directive to one with an IPv6 address. Unfortunately, the control panel and mail daemon do not listen on IPv6 so it's impractical to enable this by default (an IPv6 user would be able to visit his-site.com, but not https://his-site.com:8443/ or connect to his-site.com though IMAP which leads to confusion).
Thank you Renev, it is very helpful.

If this topic is interesting for the community, I would welcome everyone to freely express your thoughts and views on the IPv6 topic.
i totaly agree with Renev.
dual stack and multiple ip v6 adresses (same way as it is implemented for v4) is the way to go.
IPv6 is getting more and more asked for so the feature us very needed.
In our implementation it's dual-stack .. but for various reasons we don't use Plesks dns server but still both reverse and forward would be interesting in the long run. For now I'd be happy just to be able to serve my customers with a ipv6 enabled host with the same options the ipv4 implementation has today - aka. both shared and exclusive hosting.
Would be good to be able to select if a client/domain should have both v4 and v6 hosting or just one or the other.
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Just adding my +1 for the dual stack option and anxiously awaiting Plesk to support it; would be kind of nice to be able to start implementing since IPv4 addresses will not likely be available after six months, so having the feature show up after ipv6 needs to be in production is not too useful.
Just adding my +1 for the dual stack option and anxiously awaiting Plesk to support it; would be kind of nice to be able to start implementing since IPv4 addresses will not likely be available after six months, so having the feature show up after ipv6 needs to be in production is not too useful.

+1 for dual stack as well!
Ok, first off I can't believe that we are still having this discussion, and that Plesk 10.1 _still_ doesn't have native IPv6 support in addition to IPv4 support.

This feature has been promised since version 8, and I have had cast iron assurances from senior members of Parallel's staff that it WILL be in the next version, since version 9, 9.5, 10 and then 10.1

We absolutely have to have IPv6 support this year ... in fact, we needed it 2 years ago, and we asked for it originally nearly 5 years ago :(

Dual stack is essential. The ability to have multiple IP addresses for a single domain is also key.

The ability to assign a netmask onto the interface (/32, /48 or whatever in IPv6 terms and a /24, /23 or whatever in IPv4 parlance as a single instruction to Plesk).

We might host 2,000 domains on a server, and a lot of those need dedicated IP addresses for SSL or whatever.

We need IPv6 support in all the tools, PBA for DNS management is an obvious one ... as is the ability to have IPv6 and IPv4 native name servers, ftp servers, mail servers and so on.

Currently we have to kludge Plesk and PBA to support IPv6 and it sucks.

Hosting companies will need time to get used to running IPv6 under Plesk, and with the current exhaustion rate of addresses, they're going to find they have no v4 address space left and they won't have enough experience of v6 / all the bugs worked out of Plesk's v6 support before they find they're hosting thousands of sites on v6

We've been running IPv6 networks here at Fido for over 10 years ... Time really is running out for Plesk and IPv4, whether Sergei and his crew believe it or not!

Jon Morby
FidoNet / Fido LLC
I would like to see a add on for it. It's supposed to be integrated with plesk 10.1 so as most of is running it maybe a manual hot fix or an add on to the packages by adding a new URL pointing o parallels.

I personally would test it live I even have ipv6 glue records on my domains.

Can you let the developers know with ipv6 and httpd hosting, it needs to be like https. Either the option of co-hosting within the existing httpdocs, or separate hosting (I would like to see httpdocs-ipv6) where you can host separate site.

Also in dns you can then host ipv6.domain.name just like google do.

I think most people would be reluctant just to post AAAA records for their main site and hope for the best.

Nearly everyone runs seperate ipv6 sites (as you know you can symlink them anyway).

Eventually most people will co host but that's way off when nearly everyone has native ipv6

Right mow I have got ipv6 running with plesk 10.

I added AAAA records as well as ns ipv6 addresses and made my own ipv6.domain.conf records.

Let me know Incan give you and deveilopers info as well as you can test my sites.