- Server operating system version
- CentOS 7.9.2009
- Plesk version and microupdate number
- 18.0.48
Since a few weeks I cannot renew certificates via the control panel, I continuesly receive a cURL error 35 followed by a cURL error 56 eventually. Automatic renewals seem to do fine.
Similair issues with Plesk are described on the letsencrypt forums:
Similair issues with Plesk are described on the letsencrypt forums:

Could not obtain directory: cURL error 35 and 56: TCP connection reset by peer
I am using the integrated letsencrypt within Plesk (CentOS 7.9.2009) but since a few days I keep receiving a cURL error 56 followed by 35 after a few requests which leaves me to thing that my server IP has been banned. Where can I request a whitelist? With thanks,

cURL error with Plesk on CentOS 7.9.2009
Hi @ges, and welcome to the LE community forum Please provide your IP. And any logs that may show us more details on this issue.