New Pleskian
There are some options in Plesk Onyx which allow to secure panel webui (on port 8443) using letsencrypt certificate
Get certificate for Plesk domain · Issue #11 · plesk/letsencrypt-plesk · GitHub
however seems this feature doesn't work for multiserver (most probably because manager node isn't designed for serving websites). I managed to create subscription with domain on service node (where manager node webui url is and it's working - DNS A record is ok), but when I'm trying to secure it using letsencrypt I get following:

Please help

There are some options in Plesk Onyx which allow to secure panel webui (on port 8443) using letsencrypt certificate
Get certificate for Plesk domain · Issue #11 · plesk/letsencrypt-plesk · GitHub
however seems this feature doesn't work for multiserver (most probably because manager node isn't designed for serving websites). I managed to create subscription with domain on service node (where manager node webui url is and it's working - DNS A record is ok), but when I'm trying to secure it using letsencrypt I get following:

Please help