• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Make a domain admin access account in plesk 10 like plesk 9 domain adminstrator

For anybody who really wants to make sense of what is going on, YOU HAVE to read the guide SWITCHING TO PANEL 10. It's a must read, and it will take away "most" of your headaches.

IGOR: When I moved my subscriptions to my resellers, ALL the users disappeared. It shows the mail accounts, with the username beside them but when you click on it it says:

Error: The user account was not found. This could happen if the user account was removed by someone else while you were changing its settings.

Interestingly enough, when I move them back to my account, everything shows up and works fine.

Listen Igor, this is where I am, and I think most people here too.

I have a reseller created
This reseller has customers
These customers have domains.

How do I setup a user of those domains to become the owner or webmaster (as you have in your user roles) without getting the error:

The e-mail address [email protected] already belongs to another user?

Going back to the original post. How do I setup a domain administrator. Someone who logs in to the domain, adds and removes email addresses, etc..???????


Experiencing exactly this issue.

"The e-mail address [email protected] already belongs to another user"

I have even deleted the specific email address from the domain, and I still receive "The e-mail address [email protected] already belongs to another user" when I try to create a new user with that email address when in fact it has been deleted and is not contained in the list of email addresses for that domain.

I would add that all of the above users and email addresses were migrated from 9.x. It's as if the user and/or email address is tainted and can't be used again or else it is in a list somewhere I am unable to find to delete it there as well.
Latest Developments

If a user goes in to retrieve their password, the user is not found.

Please try this and confirm if it is happening to you.

Also, any news on this issue? I am willing to pay for the solution as I cannot afford to wait any longer.


PS This is the lost passowrd link:

...but, if you put the user's email address in twice, it works!!

Just tested it....but I have yet to receive my password :S

Hello everyone.

Just to make sure we haven't forgotten, our original issue began when we migrated to Plesk 10 and we couldn't figure out how to create the domain admin.

Furthermore, Parallel's support couldn't understand what it was we were talking about.

So, if what you want is for a user to login and NOT see all the other system users, you will find your answer here, and for Parallel's staff, they will find the cause as well in case they want to make a fix for it.

The reason why anyone who logs in sees everyone's account is because in the table psa_smb_users it defaults them to ownerid=1. This explains while everyone shows up, no matter who is logged in.

If you want to see that, Plesk 10 is not really as bad as we thought, create a new customer, and login, and you will see that it will only show that customer's information.

Now for the fix. You have to open up the table clients and get the customer ID's of your customers. Once you know this, open the table psa_smb_users and use the update or replace command in mysql to update the owner id where ownerid=1 and (some other criteria to help match your users to your customer. This can become tricky. I'm using the domain inside the email.

I'm going to give this a try now, and let you know how it goes.
Just letting you know that it worked like a charm.


UPDATE psa.smb_users SET `ownerId` = 43 where email LIKE '%@domain.com%' AND `ownerId` =1;

Replace the 43 with the numbers obtained from the database clients
Replace @domain.com with the domain that corresponds to this client
In my case it defaulted to ownerid = 1, your case may be different.

Good Luck!

Over and Out..

Just wondering if these threads are ever replied to, or should I just not bother documenting stuff here?

In any case, I just migrated one very big customer. It took 8 hours, and it worked great, no errors. Now when I move the domain to it's client, it no longer matches the email address to the smb_user.

If I open up the mail database the userid value is = to 0. If I add the corresponding id value from smb_users, then it shows up and links fine.

Igor :: we need a fix for this.
FYI - This corrects the issue:

UPDATE psa.mail SET userId = (select id from psa.smb_users where contactName = psa.mail.mail_name and email like '%domain.com%') where dom_id=XX;

The domain ID is the code that you get from any known account in the mail database...

Note, this is not a migrator problem, since the migration ran perfect. As soon as you move the subscription to another account, it loses the settings. If I run the command again, it gets fixed. This should help you in finding out why userid is being set to 0 when a customer is moved... This happens with EVERY CASE, whether the subscription is new or migrated, so official it is a bug.

Email me if you need more details...
What about official fix?

Parallels! Why you cannot make the next functionality ?

Limit access for user account, created by customer, to specified by customer list of subscriptions.

It's main feature, that is requested here!!!

itmnetcom, your solution not working - if I have, for example, one customer named 'AA' (system user a1), and three subscriptions named 'x1', 'x2' and 'x3', and you creating, working under account a1, user named 'a2' -> you cannot limit user a2 to see, for ex., only x2 and x3 subscriptions. x1,x2 and x3 have owner_id=id_a1, but in psa.clients exists only a1 record. -> you cannot set another owner_id of x2 & x3 - there is no another customer. You need to add another customer, and you cannot do this, if yourself account is customer account.

Parallels, at all, and IgorG, in particular, please, answer me fully, don't send me to "documentation" - I have read it. And please, don't recommend me power user mode - I'am admin of hosting provider, it's not appropriate for me.
Ray Lightning, in upcoming Plesk 10.4 version it will be possible to set up user's access only to one subscription. Upgrade of domain administrators will enable it automatically.
Hi Ray,

The scripts do work, I have used them several times. What I suggest to you is the following:

1. Forbid Users from seeing other users in the control panel:


2. Use webspaces for your OWN domains

3. Create resellers and assign them customer accounts. This will help you use plesk 10 as you used plesk 6-9.

4. Once users are migrated, if you move the subscription from one customer to another you lose the user link to the mail account. The only way to fix it is like this:

UPDATE psa.mail SET userId = (select id from psa.smb_users where contactName = psa.mail.mail_name and email like '%domain.com%') where dom_id=XX;

5. If the email tab shows the user accounts linked, but you cannot click on them then you have to run this:

UPDATE psa.smb_users SET ownerId = CURRENT_XX where email like '%domain.com%' and ownerid = OLD_XX;

6. If you want a very handy utility that helped me through this pain and suffering see:


I really hope this helps.

IGOR: Why is file sharing only available to Webspaces, is this not going to be offered to end users? When will all these bugs be fixed? Especially the one where you change subscriptions?
IgorG, is there any ETA on the 10.4 release? Due to our extensive use of domain administrator logins, we have been unable to migrate to Plesk10.
be thankful

Be thankful @Manners that you havent migrated yet! this is the worse nightmare of any possible web hoster in existence!

The parallels people, just decided they wanted to scare customers away, and went with the "false advertising" method same with the "free CBM(short for Customer & Business Manager)" they pulled, this software IS BY NO MEANS a Plesk panel upgrade, its a whole different software aimed to anything but a web hosting company.

yes indeed, if you read carefully http://download1.parallels.com/Plesk/PP10/10.3.1/Doc/en-US/online/plesk-administrator-guide/plesk-control-panel-user-guide/ youll notice that the changes are what they are, and if you dedicate ALOT OF TIME you can migrate your server/servers into the new business model without much headaches and the security breach they caused with the business model change.

so let me sumarize.

if you want to have access to just 1 domain panel, you need 1 customer account per domain (yes double the work) this allow 1 user, to administer its domains


customer 1:
subscription 1
[email protected]
customer 2:
subscription 2
[email protected]
customer 3:
subscription 3
[email protected]

each customer, have access to only their domain, if more than 1 domain are listed under the same customer, every single user created under the account WILL be able SEE, EDIT, CREATE, DELETE EVERYTHING AVAILABLE to that customer.


customer 1:
subscription 1
user: [email protected]
subscription 2
user: [email protected]
subscription 3
user: [email protected]

all the 3 users, will be able to do WHATEVER THEY WANT with ALL THE 3 subscriptions

which leads to the biggest security breach of all times ever seen in a control panel

so if you ask me, DO NOT migrate, is NOT WORTH IT just yet.

either lets wait for 10.4, or keep 9.5 (I should have done that) and forget about this "plesk" that is not plesk at all.
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Well I'm unsubscribing from this thread. We no longer have any Plesk 10 servers, they have all been migrated to Cpanel due to lack of migration path back to a working version of Plesk. Needless to say remaining and new servers will probably go the same way.
I am wondering if this issue has indeed been resolved in 10.4. I am using 10.2 and am reluctant to upgrade to 10.4 unless this issue has been resolved.
The problem still seems to exists in Plesk Panel 10.4.4 (Update #27):
When you restrict a user to a single subscription (via "Access to subscription") and allow him to "Manage users and roles", he still can see all users of the same customer in the "Users"-Tab! For the "Mail"-Tab the list is filtered, but still not for the "Users"-Tab!!!
Furthermore, this restricted User (Domain-Admin) can edit his own settings and DEACTIVATE the restriction (set "Access to subscriptions" to "All")! ... so he can go around this domain-restriction and get access to all domains again.

So the main problem is still:
---User1.1.1 (access only to Subscription1.1)
---User1.2.1 (access only to Subscription1.2)
Now User1.1.1 can see all users of Customer1, including User1.2.1 and User1.2.2 of a different Subscription... And there is still (since two years) no possibility to create a kind of "Domain-Only-Admin"!!!