• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
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  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

new BU utilities - SUCKS


Regular Pleskian
Well im really dissapointed on the performance of the new backup utilities (BU) from Sw-Soft, its a piece of C...., it EATS the server when runs. besides is SLOWER than the devil, it have never been this heavy, stup$d and featureless.

the one on 7.5.4 was rather great, i was really gratefull to Sw-Soft with it, now im experiencing really hard times when i want to backup the server, because not only it takes HOURS (and i mean it, not the hours it took to backup with 7.5.4, im talking aobut maybe 10 times longer) and it leaves the server almost unusable, HOURS to load a website, to check email....

PPL redesign this cr#p$ piece of Sh#t software, maybe roll back to 7.5.4 one, that was really cool and many ppl was comfortable with.

[check this]
root 7825 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7826 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7829 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7834 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7835 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7836 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7843 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7845 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7846 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7881 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7888 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7901 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7906 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7914 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7916 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7918 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7919 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7921 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7923 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7925 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7926 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7927 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7928 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7931 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7936 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7939 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7943 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7945 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7949 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7952 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
root 7963 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 12:54 0:00 | \_ [PleskX.pl <defunct>]
[/check this]

thats only that script. now check this.

[root@swordfish root]# ps -auxf|grep "/bin/tar -C" |wc -l
[root@swordfish root]#

and this

[root@swordfish root]# ps -auxf|grep "/usr/bin/perl" |wc -l
[root@swordfish root]#

hell no, this new BU is cr$p, just cr$p, I want the old psadump/restore back (keep in mind, it was too really sh$t$ but it was WAY 238934298743287934978432978432 TIMES BETTER than this F$K$NG piece of software we have now.)

Thank you for stating my exact opinion on this new backup utility... Plesk 7.5.4 backup was fine. This one is horrible.
Plesk 8

Well you shouldn't upgrade to Plesk 8 until after at least 2-3 months when some bugs are solved.

For the upgrade problems I see I think Im going to stick with Plesk 7.5.4 forever.

Joao Correia
Do you even know what does 'Z' flag mean? Your blaming of new backup is true, but your arguments are just silly.
yeah im not that dumb to notice that out, THAT IS PRECISELY what im pointing out, i have tried over 50 times to perform backups with the new tool, in arround 20 different servers, none of them have been able to do it.

i dont care how does it do it. it is just absolutly St$p$d, it starts as much domains you have hosted proccesses of tar, which is insane heavy as a start, then it dies, never doing the god damned backup.

I pasted that only as an example of the dumbness of pleskbackup, didnt wanted to go with more details.

ok want details, here some.

the cpu usage and memory usage on the start of the backup is just absolutly insane, it almost kills a server, then when the load drops it dies.

it starts an incountable ammount of tar processes, for every single domain, and emails

it starts another good ammount of mysqldumps to backup databases.

Well from my point of view, this software is just absurd and nonusable, they need to figure out a way to keep the old psadump schema of work but without stoping the domains for every backup you do, plus, make it compatible with umcoming tools they release, so we admins dont have to live with headaches every time they release a new software.


I believe that if you complain about it to Support team (the best way is Plesk -> Server -> Support) the developers will correct the utility. They need access to the server to optimize BU.

well indeed a possible solution, that will be done during the weekend, as indeed i need that fixed asap (and i bet that almost every other admin out there that uses plesk does), i cant live unestressed witout backups, im doing some rsyncs now, until that gets fixed....
So, José, just submit a ticket. They are interested in improving the product.

Hi.. sometimes i'm really thinking who plesk is listening to. the clients who finally use the software, or the sale-representant? I already made many complains about plesk to 1and1, and the support team just laughed because they couldn't do anything about that.. the sales team would decide and they had to handle the troubles with the costumer. niiiiiiice.. i can tell..

no really, that's silly... i think there should be a possibility to send a message with customer's signatures, to make change plesk by real needed functions.
thats why i would never go witn 1and1 :p

my provider, when i have a problem that nor I or them cant solve, they open a ticket with Sw-Soft and within 24-48 hours they login the server(s) and fix the issue.
as soon as i put it within my provider lol, anyway i doubt you can do something with my provider's ticket # :p

I'll let you know if Sw-Soft does something about it or not when i ask my provider to contact them to solve the issue.
I thought you should have Support button in your Plesk. Is it a dedicated box?

Backup problems

Use 4PSA Total Backup. Very little load, incremental files, very reliable, good support.
Im considering the option now, I havent bought it yet because i was really happy with psadump/restore, but now seems that i will have to look for a 3rd party solution.

Re: Backup problems

Originally posted by timtrott
Use 4PSA Total Backup. Very little load, incremental files, very reliable, good support.
4PSA Total Backup??? That's the worst piece of "software" I've ever had displeasure of running. All it does is tar the entire server, all files, "as is", and dumps everything into one gigantic file. That's not a backup, that's a joke.

Why, oh why, can SWsoft not create a proper backup system like so many other control panels have??? We've been using Ensim Pro, for example, and it's a total breeze. Pretty much set it and forget it. Tell the server (in the admin control panel, not through some cryptic CLI interface like psadump uses) to back up server config and all domains (or select domains, clients, resellers, etc), enter destination server where to FTP the backup files, set the time of day to run these backups, and off it goes. NICELY, too. Each domain is in its own backup file, using standard tar format, so you CAN extract an individual file or directory in a temp location, you don't actually have to restore anything to the live site and overwrite clients' files.

In contrast, psadump in Plesk 7.5 uses MIME/UUENCODE to dump all your binary files into a text file format (sooooo 1980's), and Plesk 8.0 uses some weird binary file format that you can't get to to extract certain files to a temp directory if you wanted to get to them manually, and not restore everything back to client's site.

Of all the things in Plesk 7.5/8.0, I have complained to SWsoft dozens and dozens of times that the backup utilities are 20 years behind the actual control panel, and that they NEED to fix it. It wouldn't be all bad if at least 4PSA's Total Backup was usable, but I purchased a bunch of licenses for it as soon as I discovered 4psa.com web site, and asked for a refund on all Total Backup licenses immediately, after installing the first copy. I can "tar -czvf /*" the entire server without this software, thank you very much...

Are there any after-market Plesk 7.5/8.0 backup tools available, or backup scripts anyone has written that can be used for backing up sites nightly, but also for moving sites between different Plesk servers? If Ensim, cPanel and every other control panel has these tools, I'd expect to see this in Plesk as well... heck, even really inexpensive and free control panels have these backup tools, so it's high time SWsoft spent a few hours on adding this feature to Plesk.
Re: Re: Backup problems

Originally posted by dotCOM_host
and Plesk 8.0 uses some weird binary file format that you can't get to to extract certain files to a temp directory if you wanted to get to them manually, and not restore everything back to client's site.

# file dom.ain_2006.04.04_09.38 
dom.ain_2006.04.04_09.38: gzip compressed data, from Unix
# zcat dom.ain_2006.04.04_09.38  | head -5
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="_----------=_1144118363135530-----------------------------------------"
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: MIME::Lite 3.01 (F2.72; A1.62; B3.04; Q3.03)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 09:39:23 +0100

Weird binary format, ROTFL.
Re: Re: Re: Backup problems

Weird binary format, ROTFL.
Okay, perhaps I should have said - archaic. Have you tried unzipping that file? It's next to useless if all you want is to restore a single file, or a particular directory that your client may have deleted and needs restored from backups. This type of backup is perhaps okay when you do full site restore, but it's pretty pathetic when you only need a subset of the files from the backup. THAT is the part where SWsoft falls way short on the backup utilities.

Heck, just looking through all the posts on the SWsoft and EV1 forums is a good indication that I'm not the only one thinking this way. Especially when you come from other control panels (we use couple others in addition to Plesk) and while I can see how certain things in Plesk are great, this one thing - backups - is, well, substandard, to say it politely.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Backup problems

Originally posted by dotCOM_host
Okay, perhaps I should have said - archaic. Have you tried unzipping that file?

Heh, you was using archaic text-based HTTP to post this message :)

About useless formats: since 8.0 things changed. It's still MIME-based, but now MIME-parts are just tar archives. And I sure such an experienced Unix admin have a couple of tools in toolbox which may unpack MIME message.