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Issue own Name Server does not work

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New Pleskian
We have a problem that PLESK support seems unable/willing to solve. It seems that not the manufacturer (PLESK) and the support, which we paid dearly when we bought this license, knows how to make the program work correctly.

We already had a hosting with PLESK 2 years ago with a very incompetent reseller from the current hoster. That worked, on the whole, better than the CPannel we had before. There were "only" problems with the reseller, because he prescribed useless e-mail settings and because he did not want to issue a proper invoice.

We then found out that this was a mini-reseller from another provider. We then opened an account with this provider and moved the domains there.

The provider had installed PLESK on our server.

This did not work properly from the beginning.

For example, it could not resolve our own name servers (although they worked perfectly on the old account).

We then tried to see if it would at least work with the registrar's name servers. We were able to install domains, but the e-mail did not work properly (and still has strange problems).

We then asked the support of the hoster several times to install PLESK so that it works without restrictions.

After many complaints, an employee of this hoster suspected that some PORTS were not opened during the installation of PLESK.

We have then opened and so at least the e-mail problem was solved to a large extent. (But there are still some small things that are not optimal).

The name server still does not work.

When installing the domain from the name server, PLESK says that it has an error in the DNS settings:

These are the DNS settings:

ooooo.net.MX (10)mail.ooooo.net.
ooooo.net.TXTv=spf1 +a +mx +a:zen-lamport.212-227-174-61.plesk.page -all
_dmarc.ooooo.net.TXTv=DMARC1; p=none

I hope now that an expert (or a skilled expert consultant-apprentice who tells the master where to go) from this forum can help us ....

Normally I do not express any assumptions .... that may be nonsense ... but here I make 2 exceptions that the one who will help and may be able to use:

1 it could be that some port which should be open, is still closed

2 just at the time when we moved the domains from one account to another account, the registrar was revising his pages and there was the setting regarding the own name servers still on the old page ... and I wonder now if they have built in a bug ... which would then look like that, that the selection use own name servers no longer works and that a domain that should serve as a name server, there is not set as a name server, but that it is like any other domain on the name server of the registrar

Make sure you have TCP and UDP ports 53 open on any and all firewalls. If you're on OVH they game a gaming firewall that is usually on by default that causes all sorts of issues so if you're using OVH make sure that the gaming firewall is turned off.

Also, if you're planning on using your own server for the DNS as well, make sure you set up glue records with your registrar. Most registrars will required 2 name servers, you could just point it to the one IP address you have if that's all you have. Once you've set up the glue records you can configured the name server to point to it.

So using your example DNS:

Glue Records (set in the registrar):
NS1 > 333.444.555.66
NS2 > 333.444.555.66

Name server (set in the registrar):

You might, or might not need to also add 2 A records in your registrar for ns1 and ns2 pointing to 333.444.555.66 as well (I use porkbun for my registrar, only need to set the glue records then name server, everything else on my server side).

Once everything is set then your server would be the one to handle DNS. If everything on the registrar side is correct but nothing is resolving, then something is blocking it on the server side and, like I mention earlier, make sure you have port 53 open for both TCP and UDP.
We have a problem that PLESK support seems unable/willing to solve. It seems that not the manufacturer (PLESK) and the support, which we paid dearly when we bought this license, knows how to make the program work correctly.
It feels strange that in your other threads you said you do not have Plesk support, but now and here you are claiming that Plesk is not willing to assist. I cannot imagine a situation where Plesk support would not be willing to assist. Could you please provide me with the ticket ID of the Plesk support ticket so that I can check the case for you?
It feels strange that in your other threads you said you do not have Plesk support, but now and here you are claiming that Plesk is not willing to assist. I cannot imagine a situation where Plesk support would not be willing to assist. Could you please provide me with the ticket ID of the Plesk support ticket so that I can check the case for you?
@Peter Debik
Again: the actual hosting provider has installed PLESK with an OEM licence and have to provide the 1st level support

From 2021 - 2022 we had our domains on a reseller account provided by a reseller of the actual hosting provider. All the domains have worked with PLESK and our own name server (not the name server of the registrar) ... we do so since abaut 20 years.

We think, that the costumers does not use the name server from the registrar, do to the fact, that is is needed to change some settings on this server (A-Record, and other). When the user set up his own name server, he do not made changes in the registrars name server and this for all concerned domains.

2022 we have changed the hosting from that little reseller of the actual hosting provider to the (sole?) provider.

This due to the fact, that the old reseller had change some details of the e-mail options to wrong settings and was also not able to issue a correct invoice.

The actual hosting provider has then installed for us a reseller account with PLESK. The pannel seems to be exactely the same as before.

The installation of PLESK was made by a staff member of the hosting provider. He has installed PLESK in a not appopriate way: he has not open the needed ports and respect other settings.

We have then tryed to install a first Domain with the same settings (name servers) who was working one year correctely.

Before this we have only changed the target IP (=glue record) to the new Server IP.

But PLESK would not install the domain.

We have then asked the support of the hosting provider to verify the PLESK Installation.

Answer: they mean that the problem is not on our server, but on the side of the registrar.

We think that they are not verry happy, that we use not her services as registrar and for this reason they have seek for an other responsable.
We have verrified on the registrars web site if all is ok ... and we have also ask the support of the registrar to verify. This due to a simple fact: in this moment the registrar was in the way to change/renew his web site and we had the feeling that it can be possible that they have made an error. And due to the fact, that the support of the registrar has issued wrong responses, we are still not 100% sure that all is ok at the registrars side.

Also for this reason we would that the PLESK support has also a look on the registrar (who is also a PLESK customer) to verify if all is ok and to explain to the registrar's support, that a own name server is only a "switch", on the registrars side, who redirect the concerned domains to the host providers IP.

At the registras side, the setting is .... NS1.xxxxx.xxx goes to the hosting provider IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xx

This is all. the registrar do not know if the IP exists or not ... the domains are only pointed to the given IP.

Then the owner of the name server must install on the PLESK, of the Server, the domain who has the name server (in the same way as an other domain) and then PLESK set up the DNS Settings.

Due to the fact, that PLESK can now find some settings of our name server domain it seems that PLESK finds the domain but can not build correctely the DNS

scsa20 confirm this state and says: "If everything on the registrar side is correct but nothing is resolving, then something is blocking it on the server side". shi/he is (since one year) the first expert who do not try to insult us with the false idea that there is a problem on the registrars side.

As long as we can not install the name server domain on plesk the name server can not work. But it must be possible to install the concerned domain in PLESK.

In more then one year we was contraint to seek for multiple causes ... and this is not the right way: we think still that the PLESK Support must use this issue to learn and to know what happens.

I can only give to the PLESK Support the access to our server. Perhaps Scsa20 can help us to find all issues, but she/he can not find all the possible issues. She/he can only find issues who are in the moment active ... we can open closed ports, change settings .... like a year again who we have fund out, that some e-mail problems are due to closed ports. And she/he can also not verify if all is ok on the registrars side.

Only the PLESK support can save the actual datas and then install a clean PLESK in a acceptable time frame. I will not that Scsa20 waste her time for issues, who can be handeled with a simple reinstallation of PLESK. In the actual installation of PLESK it has probably a big number of bugs ... I would be verry happy if scsa20 is ready to help me in the future, But she/he has not to waste her/his time to debug a not correctely installed PLESK.

Due to the fact, that we had not one of these problems on the same server with an other PLESK installation, we consider, that the support of this hosting provider has installed PLESK in a wrong way and this perhaps express.

With this issue PLESK can learn how to made the installation procedure reliable. PLESK must run correctly , immediately after the installation. This means that the user can immediately after the end of the installations-Procedure, install the first domain. If this fails PLESK must not say ... error ... but: the following settings are wrong.

Also the SSL Certificate - Settings are not also simple as needed.


This domain was before on an other account on the server of this hosting provider. The domain was working there correctely with her own name servers.
Thank you for all this.

I must ask you to please refrain from publishing false statements like "... that PLESK support seems unable/willing to solve. It seems that not the manufacturer (PLESK) ... knows how to make the program work correctly."

You did not buy Plesk Support, neither did you open a ticket here. You only had support from your hosting provider. Your hosting provider is the one who did not deliver support. Plesk is not responsible for bad service of your hosting provider. Hosting providers are independent companies who follow their own rules. Plesk has no influence on their business.

Official Plesk support will always try to solve an issue. They will identify the cause and - if it can be solved - solve it. You are also welcome to post your technical questions on the forum.
We pay for a PLESK Licence. The reseller - hosting provider can not sold a branded product without support from the manufacturer.

When I buy a Mercedes from a Internet reseller who can not say me how to start the engine, Mercedes must supply the needed support: this also long as the car is sold as "Mercedes",

The hosting provider has sold a produkt from PLESK and if he is not able to debug the product it is the dutty of PLESK to supply the needed support.
It is in the own interest of PLESK to made that all users has a perfect and professional support and PLESK does not not help to betray the costumers with a fake support.

Also a forum is not an organisation who MUST help PLESK to debug his programm. A forum is only the first level support tu avoid stupid issues.

A forum must be, in the first level, a FAQ plattform. Who can I buy Plesk ... What is PLESK. .... what can I do when I do not find a solution heare?
Then the user comes in the next level. How I must proceed when I want to insatll a Domain on PLESK .... How I must proceed when I want to delete a domain in PLESK ... and if all these Answers does not solve the problem, tere must be a button: "I have not fund an answer, I need more help" Then it must have a chat-bot who ask some questions to find out the origine of the query. At all levels it must have a button ... next level help please. Then it must give a level users help users to find solutions. If the users can not find a solution then the problem is forwarded to the support of the programm and perhaps to the developpers.

All solutions are added to the first levels to be sure, that each solved problem must not be handeled more then one time. This must be in all languages.

A forum can only be a "seek machine" who seek for existing solutions. Over 90% of the issues can be solved with standard bug fix templates. These standard bugs must are in a statistic who is used by the developpers to reduce these bugs in the next programm version. Very big problems must also be analyzed by the developpers. This is needed to reduce also all the big problems. The Developpers needs the feedback from users and forums.

In the informatic science the most threats have one perfect solution who can be used successfully by millions of other users.

I think this treat concerns hundreds of users who are the victime of a stupid reseller. Probably the most will say that PLESK is not a good solution.

I had the possibility to set all name servers to the registrars name servers and to ignore the wrong settings of PLESK. This will not be a very big problem for us ... but this will be a big problem for PLESK: users who do not use important features will destroy the reputation of PLESK.

Two years a go, we have given PLESK a chance ... we have accept to use PLESK insteat of CPpannel. This in opposition to a lot of people who have said to us, that PLESK is bull ****! We have fund out that PLESK is at least also usefull as cpanel ... the only problems was that cpanel had a lot more of add ons and that cpanel had a perfect support who had never an issue to handle: in 25 years we had not any problem.

I'm sorry if I'm blunt but reading your posts is really hard since it includes so... much... unless... and... drawn... out... details...

You going on and on about Plesk license this, Plesk license that, and now trying to use Mercedes as, what? Proof of something? That are 2 COMPLETELY different things that is neither here or there.

Mercedes, as a car company, would have multiple dealerships that has a legal contract with HQ to provide close to the same level support either case per regulatory restrictions. This also means that if you want to get your car maintenance from a third party auto shop, you could since they could get the same manual from Mercedes (although nowadays, Mercedes, and many other car manufactures, are making it harder for third parties to do repairs because, thanks corporate greed!).

That said, with software on the internet, there is no such regulatory restrictions. Plesk has an agreement with official resellers where resellers would have to provide the support of license they've resold. Plesk is under no oblation to provide free support to reseller licenses per the agreement that resellers has and should also stated on the reseller's TOS.

This is basically the SAME thing at where I work. I work for a MSP and we are the support team that users calls into for Microsoft 365 licenses. Meaning any issues that a client might have with their Microsoft 365 services, when they go to click on get support from Microsoft, Microsoft would just direct them to call our support number instead since, guess what, we're the reseller of the licenses so we provide the support. Sure, we have means to open a ticket with Microsoft on the client's behalf so if it's something that's really broken with the user's Microsoft product that we simply cannot fix, then we have the ability to do so. Rather or not that Plesk resellers has the same option with Plesk is depends on their agreement.

Like I'm sorry if you do not understand the concept of Plesk not wanting to provide free support to resold licenses but that's just the agreement. Either pay the $10/month support subscription (which, as I've mention before, is very reasonable) or work with the reseller of where you got the license from.

If you don't want either of those support option and wants free support, then you are more than welcome to ask on here but please stop adding unnecessarily useless ramblings. Everyone here would love to help but when you add unnecessary commentary that is not important to try to help you get to the bottom of the issue makes it so nobody would want to help you.

Also, I would like to give a shoutout to @Peter Debik because he has been nothing but patent with you, taking your feedback to heart to provide back to the Plesk team while also trying his best to help you as much as he could possibly can while you, brainstuffch, are just bad mouthing this and that about Plesk support not willing to help and such. We ARE trying to help. They ARE trying to help. But you, you're beyond help if you do not stop, calm down, breathe in, breathe out. And think things logically when writing a message sticking to just facts and prudent details instead of going off on a rant mixed in small details here and there of the issue. That isn't helping anyone.

Also, I'm a male if you had bothered to looked at my profile's About page.

*drops microphone, walks away*

(I am not endorsed by nor affiliated with Plesk. I might have the Plesk Guru badge but that's because I've shown my worth to the community years ago by being as helpful as I could. I've also been using Plesk since version 10 because I love how Plesk does things compared to CPanel.)

thank you very mutch for your answer.

We have been mobbed for over a year because we say exactly what you say about the glue records.

We say, like you, that at the registrar is set that a domain has its own name server and that THERE (at the registrar or at its supplier) has a "switch" on which you set where the name servers of the domain are forwarded.

This is a setting that can be made at the registrar even if the destination does not exist yet.

It is not the case that you set up the DNS servers at the registrar. You just tell them WHERE to look for the DNS server. You can even enter several servers on this "switch", on which even different DNS settings can be.

You must then, at least, on a target server set up the domain and you must then manage the DNS settings there.

If you then have a properly installed PLESK on a server, then you click on "ADD Domain" and then you enter the name of the domain, and then PLESK installs this domain, like any other domain, it is only not required that you enter the A-record at the registrar and maybe other things.

PLESK does this mostly automatically on the target server and then this name server can be used for other domains pointing to it (at the registrar).

On our problem only the target IP of the name server was changed at the registrar when we changed the host account.

Then we tried to set up the domain on PLESK. This did not work, because in PLESK is obviously something wrong installed or blocked

I try now to see the issues who you have stated .... this is verry important for our documentation ... but I think that this PLESK installation has a lot of other hidden issues.

I am also not 100% sure, that the registrar has moved correctely these settings to his new web site. The registrsr's support has shown to us that he had not really understand the procedure on his old web site. On the old site he had a lot of DOS routiines who was very simple, but a little bit outdated ... by example to seek for the IP number of a domain name, or for the holder,... this kind of mini-programms was verry interesting 30 years ago but has no verification. Probabilly there was also such little programm who made a PING to a name server and the response is then yes or no..

The settings for the name servers are like this: you set that the NS 1 points to and it accept this without any control. But it takes between 30 minutes and 2 days to propage this information in the internet.
This will mean that you must wait for 2 days before you caan try to install the domain. Before this you do not now if the setting was accepted on the registrars side.

In the moment I hope, that the PLESK Support will accept that he must install PLESK in a correct way and that he does verify if the registrars name server programm was correctely installed.

You have seen in my DNS listing that PLESK get some wrong informations .... from the registrar.... or for other reasons ...

Perhaps this domain will work as name server when you have helped me to correct these DNS settings but this will only solve this issue ... if we install then an other domain she will have the same problems.

This is still the reality: we have solved some issues with the e-mail server but we get one new issue every month.

If the PLESK support does not solve the problem ... are you ready to help me to reinstall plesk at new? But before we do this I must find out a way to save all the emails and the domains. This will also be a problem if the PLESK Support can not only change the installation and use then the old Datas.

Due to the fact, that PLESK has also installed some domains in crazy folders I must then also change these settings.

We are a little NGO and we have in the moment not enough money to pay you for your assistance ... the only thing is that I can you give the right to host domains on our server.

thank you,

you have a wife picture on your profile ... for tis reason I have used she/he .... this is also due to a stupid issue what we have in europe: we run into crazy issues ... we have not the right to write Mistress or Missis to a not identified person ... we should say Sehr geehrte:r Herr/Frau Staatsanwalt:in . Some persons would also Sehr geehrte:r:div Herr/Frau/Div Staatsanwalt:in:div in english we can use they ...but this does not exist in german language.

I was some times ago the producer of a little book in France where we have tried to stop the non sense .... it was correct and very fine to say, at the end of a letter: "veuillez agreer, Monsieur le Directeur géneral, l'expression de mes considèrations les plus honnêtes" ou d'autres stupides phrases.
In the german language "Sehr geehrter" is also a little bit stupid .... and the feminine version "Sehr verehrte" is perverse for me. An very verryd some forms are also not really a good idea, by example "Staatsanwalt:in:div" is correct, but not appreciated due to the fact that this will say perhaps "gay" ... .

I think we must learn that the sex is only important in the bed room and that words like appreciated are to mutch. John Oldwife or Diana Jungmen or Peer Plesk must in the next time replace all other forms ... also "Hi", "Hello" is not needed. ...

Back to the PLESK issue:

It is not a good idea to sold a branded product without support/replacement parts.

The support can not be provided by not trained staff and when the trained staff is not able to solve a problem, he must seek for help on the developpers side.

Only our "Friend" Bill Gates has the stupid idea that resellers can solve issues in crypted programm files if they have no access and not the competences to solve the problemes. This is due to the fact, that the old Bill is a hobbyist and gamer, not a clean business worker.

"Plesk is under no oblation to provide free support to reseller licenses per the agreement that resellers has and should also stated on the reseller's TOS".

Right ... but the reseller has a right to ask for support from PLESK when he is not able to assume the support of the product. Perhaps PLESK can ask the reseller to pay for this service but the end user has not to seek for other untrained hobbyists. We have buyd a PLESK License ... PLESK can not accept that the buyer have only support by untrained staff.

Mercedes and other car brands have a lot of these issues: a big number of cars have trubles with the electronic and the local resellers are not able to solve the problems. In this moment the owner can not ask the next hobbyist to solve the problem. That even violates the terms of the warranty: the user has not the right to modify the "engine".

PLESK has not any interest to have resellers who betray the end users with a not exsisting support. And there are also issues who are not resolvable by the first level of support.

The only difference between hardware and software-issues is that a buyer of a software product can perhaps reinstall a broken programm without destroying the whole engine. But also if he do this he will be responsible fpr all data lost issues.

All is wrong in the IT brench: the users are the Eperts, and the developpers are stupid roboters...

I am not against the fact, that we will respect, also simple users and resellers. But if these persons do not see, that they have not any real chance, to debug a crypted program like windows, they are not realistic.

Have a look to the LINUX channel ... still there it is not possible that ordinary users change the programs.

It is also not a good Idea to delegate some issues to hobyists .... Software issues are every time not only isolated issues, but the same issue exists in xx thausands of installations. abaut more then 95% of the issues can be solved by the same procedure. We have not to set up a new solution for each issue. We have to enhance the standard debugging procedure.

New, not still fund issues, are a very big source of informations for the developpers .... all new ideas must be considered as source of development ideas. A critical feedback from serious costumers, is a lot better, as the stupid likes from stupid all-likers.

We have buyd a PLESK Licence with support for the PLESK product. But this support is for a working product: suppli an invoice and receive money is not a support issue. The installed produkt must do at least, all what it does do. If the car is delivered without wheels, then it is not a support service, if then the missing wheels are screwed on.

Our host provider has sold to us a server with installed PLESK on it. The PLESK does not work correctely .... with the same settings who was before used on an other PLESK installation ....

If at this situation, the hosting provider does not replace the product, it is the dutty of PLESK to supply a working produkt and to seek who will pay the dammages. A support issue occours only if the buyer have received a working product and is so stupid that he can not use the product.

Our hosting provider has installed PLESK on our server Immediattely after this, we have try to install a first domain with some e-mail accounts ... this was not correctely possible. Then we have ask the support of the hosting provider to made that all is working. They have said that we must our self debug the programm.

And they have us also not to abuse and mobb if we refuse to look for the errors that they have installed. If PLESK runs normally, we do not have need for support ...

There are 3 kinds of "support":

1 set up, update, maintenance

2 bug fix

3 help when the program fails.

the user training is not a support ... but our provider will that we learn to debug the programm. But we do not must learn how to resolve bugs.

We had about 25 years a server with cpannel on it ... we have never need any support. The hosting provider has sayd to us that we can ask 24/24h for support, but he had never a serious issue abaut cpannel. All querys was very simple to answer and needed never more then 10 minutes to be resolved.

I am sure that our issue is due to the fact, that PLESK was installed with a false installation routine ... and then the support of the hosting provider has seen that we use a extern registrar who can serve as "bouc emmisaire" and he have begun to mobb us.

You scsa20 are the first person, who do not state, that the "switch" (registrars name-server/own name Server/no destination) is on the host. This "Switch" MUST be near to the registrars name server it can not be on the hosting server, Also the registrar has say often that the DNS settings are on the host .....but this is not the problem of the registrar: the registrar has only a setting who state wehre is the DNS server .... there is not any control if this host exists really. And the host can not connect to the name server switch on the registrars side. if he find not the switch on the side of the registrar.

scsa20 please help me to say to Peter Debik that this is not a support issue. A clean PLESK installation do not need any support.

The old reseller was a crazy hobyist and I am sure that he was a beginner without any knowledge ... he had only a PLESK installation without all the bugs what we expect. The hosting provider shows us each day that he can not provide a professional service. In more then one year he was not able to made that PLESK work normally.

I'll have to lock this thread for further comments, because it is off topic.

Again, if you have technical questions, please feel free to post them (in new threads). For general industry discussions, you may want to consider the "Open Topics" forum on this platform.
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