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Question Please Help - Email server queries


New Pleskian
Hi there,

I have just started working for a small company whose domain and emails are hosted by Plesk. I can see that everyone who accesses the email accounts does so by forwarding emails, rather than syncing them, which obviously isn't ideal. Most of them use Gmail, which currently won't support syncing via IMAP and we'd like to have everyone syncing rather than forwarding. The webmail section on Plesk account list is listed as Roundcube, but as Roundcube is just a client (rather than a server, right??) it makes sense to move the email accounts to a different server. Is this possible? If not, how can we move email accounts to something supporting IMAP?

Many thanks,
Hey Jo. Please help me better understand the desired outcome; do you want everyone to stop using Gmail and only use Plesk for email? If not, please tell me more in detail what you have in mind.
Thanks for your reply. We want the opposite actually.

The ideal scenario would be that the @company.com email addresses could be taken over by Gmail - is this possible?

Nobody at the company uses Roundcube to manage their mail, they simply have forwarding rules set up so all sent mail and further conversations are in each individuals private gmail accounts as opposed to being owned and searchable at the original [email protected] address. I have synced my new email (hosted by Plesk) to apple mail and it's syncing and working well but the others all forward to Gmail and Gmail says that the only option to sync the company.com emails (hosted by Plesk) is via POP3, not IMAP (Gmailify). How can we move email accounts to something supporting IMAP?

Also, my understanding is that Roundcube is just an email client, but Plesk specifies Roundcube as the "webmail". Can that be changed to Gmail? Or failing that, Apple Mail?
Also, my understanding is that Roundcube is just an email client, but Plesk specifies Roundcube as the "webmail". [...]
Roundcube is a webmail client. it can be used along side any other email clients you like to use on you computer and/or smartphone. Gmail or iCloud Mail on the other hand are email services. Which can use to fetch mail from other servers, but with limitations. For example lack of IMAP support.

However you can use your Plesk email with any other email client (Like Outlook, Thunderbird or Apple Mail if you use a Mac) on your computer and/or smartphone. Like you have done with your email account Apple Mail already. For this you only have to persuade your colleagues to use an email client instead of Gmail.

The ideal scenario would be that the @company.com email addresses could be taken over by Gmail - is this possible?
Not directly with Gmail (because IMAP limitation). But Google offers a business service called Google Workspace which allows you to uses their email service with your own domain name.
Thank you for this. Yes, I have Google Workspace myself (outside of the company I refer to) so this would be ideal. Would I need to do anything with Plesk to accommodate this change or is it all done through Google Workspace? If Plesk, can you please point me in the right direction?

Thanks so much for your help.
If you haven't created a workspace account for your company yet, you can use the Plesk Google Workspace extension to configure it within Plesk (more info here).

If already have created a workspace account (or don't want to use the Plesk Google Workspace extension) you'd have to change the related DNS records (MX, SPF, DMARC, DKIM) and in the mail settings of your domain in Plesk you'd have to switch the "Mail service on this domain" setting to "Disabled for incoming mail".