I get the following message when I want to migrate my DA sites to Plesk
Failed to copy '/home/domein' from the source server 'directadmin' ( to target Plesk server
Migration tools tried to perform operation in 3 attempts: Command execution failed on the local server with non-zero exit code.
command: su domein --shell /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/rsync -e '"'"'ssh -i /var/www/vhosts/domein.nl/plesk-migrator-key -p 22 -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no'"'"' --recursive --links --times --devices --specials --chmod=Fu=rw,Fgo=r,Du=rwx,Dgo=rx --exclude='"'"'/.*'"'"' --exclude=/Maildir --exclude=/imap [email protected]:/home/domein/ /var/www/vhosts/domein.nl/'
exit code: 23
Please... any help is appreciated.
I get the following message when I want to migrate my DA sites to Plesk
Failed to copy '/home/domein' from the source server 'directadmin' ( to target Plesk server
Migration tools tried to perform operation in 3 attempts: Command execution failed on the local server with non-zero exit code.
command: su domein --shell /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/rsync -e '"'"'ssh -i /var/www/vhosts/domein.nl/plesk-migrator-key -p 22 -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no'"'"' --recursive --links --times --devices --specials --chmod=Fu=rw,Fgo=r,Du=rwx,Dgo=rx --exclude='"'"'/.*'"'"' --exclude=/Maildir --exclude=/imap [email protected]:/home/domein/ /var/www/vhosts/domein.nl/'
exit code: 23
Please... any help is appreciated.