• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Plesk 11.5 Backup won´t work

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New Pleskian
Hey guys,

unfortunately my backup function stopped working with the update to 11.5.
I usually run my backup as full server backup and then process it to an FTP. But since 11.5 the backup fails immediately.
In the backup section of Plesk it simply says:
"Error: domain "XXXXXXXXX.com"
Unable to create dump

In /usr/local/psa/PMM/logs/backup-2013-08-23-21-22-21-783/backup.log the last lines say the following:

[19625]: 19:22:22 ERROR 81632459-2bc9-467a-884f-aa63537a0100 Unable to create dump:
at /opt/psa/PMM/agents/shared/Logging.pm line 100
Logging::error('Unable to create dump', 'fatal') called at /opt/psa/admin/bin/plesk_agent_manager line 678
main::__ANON__('Error::Simple=HASH(0x27e94f0)', 'SCALAR(0x17053b0)') called at /usr/share/perl5/Error.pm line 340
eval {...} called at /usr/share/perl5/Error.pm line 330
Error::subs::run_clauses('HASH(0x2869e78)', '\x{a}not well-formed (invalid token) at line 13, column 105, byte...', undef, 'ARRAY(0x2869c80)') called at /usr/share/perl5/Error.pm line 427
Error::subs::try('CODE(0x27e9550)', 'HASH(0x2869e78)') called at /opt/psa/admin/bin/plesk_agent_manager line 680
main::perform('verbose', 4, 'owner-type', 'server', 'split-size', undef, 'session-path', '/opt/psa/PMM/sessions/2013-08-23-212221.580', 'description', ...) called at /opt/psa/admin/bin/plesk_agent_manager line 1311
main::__ANON__() called at /usr/share/perl5/Error.pm line 416
eval {...} called at /usr/share/perl5/Error.pm line 408
Error::subs::try('CODE(0x22956b8)', 'HASH(0x22959e8)') called at /opt/psa/admin/bin/plesk_agent_manager line 1319
main::main() called at /opt/psa/admin/bin/plesk_agent_manager line 1323

pmmcli.log only gives me:

[2013-08-23 21:22:21.160|19624] DEBUG: LOG: custom log /opt/psa/PMM/logs/backup-2013-08-23-21-22-21-783/backup.log
[2013-08-23 21:22:21.164|19624] INFO: Executing asynchronously <subprocess[19625] 'nice --adjustment=10 /usr/bin/perl /opt/psa/admin/bin/plesk_agent_manager server --owner-uid=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --owner-type=server --backup-profile-name=XXXXXXX --description=Server-Backup.\r\nErstellungsdatum: Aug 23, 2013 09:22 PM -vvvv --session-path=/opt/psa/PMM/sessions/2013-08-23-212221.580 --output-file=ftp://XXXXXXXXXXX --ftp-passive-mode'>
[2013-08-23 21:22:21.165|19624] DEBUG: Acquired session mutex: MainThread
[2013-08-23 21:22:21.165|19624] DEBUG: detecting running pmmcli daemon...
[2013-08-23 21:22:21.179|19624] DEBUG: starting pmmcli daemon...
[2013-08-23 21:22:21.182|19624] DEBUG: Executing asynchronously [19627] process
[2013-08-23 21:22:21.183|19624] DEBUG: Released session mutex: MainThread
[2013-08-23 21:22:21.183|19624] DEBUG: Acquired session mutex: MainThread
[2013-08-23 21:22:21.183|19624] DEBUG: Released session mutex: MainThread
[2013-08-23 21:22:21.184|19624] DEBUG: <pmmcli.MakeDumpAction object at 0xd4dc10>: response
[2013-08-23 21:22:21.185|19624] INFO: Outgoing packet:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Where does the error come from and how can it be fixed?

I've reported several problems with the backup tool and have been greeted with silence too. I was really starting to get encouraged about the quality of the software too. At least updating the software doesn't crash your server liked it used to in the pre-Plesk 10 days...
'\x{a}not well-formed (invalid token) at line 13, column 105, byte...', undef, 'ARRAY(0x2869c80)')
usually means that backup xml file was not correctly generated due to some mistakes in
"Error: domain "XXXXXXXXX.com"
Most probably that there is some XML-unescaped symbols like '<', '>', '&'.
So, please check setting of this domain carefully and try to find something unusual in vhost/ssl/nginx settings, etc.
Contact Support Team if it not help.
I dont know why my previous message was deleted but I will try to repost it!

I have checked everything...there is no XML-unescaped symbol anywhere in any settings file. This backup issue seems to be a widespread problem and no fix has been published yet.
Is there anyone that can get Plesk to finally fix this issue. This is an unbearable condition.

Have you tried contact Support Team? They will check and fix it directly on your server.
Also having this issue from September 4 onward. Backup manager was working fine until then, and I've gone through pages and pages of "fixes" to try to get it working, and it's still not working (immediate backup failure).

As with looser9, I do NOT have any unescaped symbols anywhere.

I can provide whatever logs are needed, including the (correctly working) output of "/usr/local/psa/bin/sw-engine-pleskrun /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/backup_restore_helper --backup-subscription" for the domain.
i have problems with the backup too.
after some errors in the backup i mounted a new clear volume --> /var/lib/psa/dumps
then i started the sheduled backup. i logged on as admin and i can see the backup in the backupmanger in the server repository.
whn i login as doman user the server repository in backupmanger is emty --> why?
when i shedule a backup as domain user in backupmager this backup is listed in server repository ?
Officially we are now at update #15!
The change log of Plesk doesn´t even cover that, yet: http://download1.parallels.com/Ples...5-linux-updates-release-notes.html#11530u14-p

My backup doesn´t until now. All the mentioned things from IgorG should have officially fixed with #14. Now we are at #15 and it won´t work.
In my opinion it´s a shame for Plesk...I haven´t been able to make backups for the last 2 months now...all because of some software error Plesk was unable to fix in some 6 or 7 updates!

Please do me ony favor...fix this thing finally as it is getting really annoying!
I see problem that backup fails if vhost.conf for domain contains national symbols like German umlauts.
The message is almost the same.
In this case full server backup and server configuration backup are failed.
Backup of this subscription (Subscription's control panel -> Websites&Domains -> Backup manager) fails, but backup of any other subscription is completed successfully.
Please check, have you got such symbols in vhost.conf or somewhere else?
If no, send me, please, your PMM logs (folder /usr/local/psa/PMM/sessions/<your problem backup folder(timestamp)>).
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then i started the sheduled backup. i logged on as admin and i can see the backup in the backupmanger in the server repository.
Do you make schedulled backup task under admin's account?
when i shedule a backup as domain user in backupmager this backup is listed in server repository ?
I don't understand you. Subscription, customer, reseller and admin use one server repository, but backups are placed in different directories.

Can you show (or send me in private message):
* table psa.backupsscheduled,
* /usr/local/psa/PMM/logs/pmmcli_daemon.log?
* logs from /usr/local/psa/PMM/sessions/<your problem backup folder(timestamp)>
I see problem that backup fails if vhost.conf for domain contains national symbols like German umlauts.
The message is almost the same.
In this case full server backup and server configuration backup are failed.
Backup of this subscription (Subscription's control panel -> Websites&Domains -> Backup manager) fails, but backup of any other subscription is completed successfully.
Please check, have you got such symbols in vhost.conf or somewhere else?
If no, send me, please, your PMM logs (folder /usr/local/psa/PMM/sessions/<your problem backup folder(timestamp)>).

I have just sent you a couple of PMs with the respective logfiles.
Please treat them confidentially and get back to me as soon as possible!
Do you make schedulled backup task under admin's account?

I don't understand you. Subscription, customer, reseller and admin use one server repository, but backups are placed in different directories.

Can you show (or send me in private message):
* table psa.backupsscheduled,
* /usr/local/psa/PMM/logs/pmmcli_daemon.log?
* logs from /usr/local/psa/PMM/sessions/<your problem backup folder(timestamp)>

i mean that i create a full server backup from control panel for all domains, but when the custmer login into admin panel this backup is not visible in backupmanager --> server repository.
in Tools & Settings > Server Preferences --> domain backup fils and backup files created by admin are included in disk space calculation (this options are set)

is it possible that a customer can see the list of backups that a created as admin. ( i think befor updte plesk to 11.5.3 #15 the customer can see this list of available backups in server repository)

i hope you can understand my question.
i mean that i create a full server backup from control panel for all domains, but when the custmer login into admin panel this backup is not visible in backupmanager --> server repository.
in Tools & Settings > Server Preferences --> domain backup fils and backup files created by admin are included in disk space calculation (this options are set)

is it possible that a customer can see the list of backups that a created as admin. ( i think befor updte plesk to 11.5.3 #15 the customer can see this list of available backups in server repository)

i hope you can understand my question.

Yes, I understand.
Some ideas for you. Maybe it will help.
1. "Tools & Settings" -> "Backup Manager" -> "Backup". What do you select: "Server configuration" or "Server configuration and content"?
2. Go to /var/lib/psa/dumps/clients/<client>/domains/<domain>/. Does domain's backup exist in this folder?
3. Do you use very long names for customer and domain? If yes:
* Try to create simple customer "c1" and domain "d1.com", for example.
* Then make full server backup (select "Server configuration and content").
* Log out from admin's account.
* Log in to panel as customer "c1".
* Go to "Websites & Domains" -> "Backup Manager"
* Check that backup of this domain shows in "Server repository" tab.
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Yes, I understand.
Some ideas for you. Maybe it will help.
1. "Tools & Settings" -> "Backup Manager" -> "Backup". What do you select: "Server configuration" or "Server configuration and content"?
2. Go to /var/lib/psa/dumps/clients/<client>/domains/<domain>/. Does domain's backup exist in this folder?
3. Do you use very long names for customer and domain? If yes:
* Try to create simple customer "c1" and domain "d1.com", for example.
* Then make full server backup (select "Server configuration and content").
* Log out from admin's account.
* Log in to panel as customer "c1".
* Go to "Websites & Domains" -> "Backup Manager"
* Check that backup of this domain shows in "Server repository" tab.

1.) "Tools & Settings" -> "Backup Manager" -> "Backup" --> Server configuration and content
2.) yes all backups exists for all domains
3.) in our environment the subscrition name is the same as the domain name (some subscritions are long names )

in /var/lib/psa/dumps/clients --> it looks that psa rename the <client name> folder when it is to long.
all clients where psa have renamed the folder the backup is listet in backupmanger when i login as customer.

its funny ... in cases where the folder name is shorter then the name of folders that where renamed by psa the backups are not listet in backupmanager. so i think the problem is not the length of the foldername.

i hope you can follow my explaination.
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1.) "Tools & Settings" -> "Backup Manager" -> "Backup" --> Server configuration and content
2.) yes all backups exists for all domains
3.) in our environment the subscrition name is the same as the domain name (some subscritions are long names )

in /var/lib/psa/dumps/clients --> it looks that psa rename the <client name> folder when it is to long.
all clients where psa have renamed the folder the backup is listet in backupmanger when i login as customer.

its funny ... in cases where the folder name is shorter then the name of folders that where renamed by psa the backups are not listet in backupmanager. so i think the problem is not the length of the foldername.

i hope you can follow my explaination.

it seems the problem is the custumer panle login name.
in our enviroment the panel login name is the same name as the customers domain name. for example: hsteterei-langstr.or.at
so the folder in var/lib/psa/dumps/clients is also hsteterei-langstr.or.at. in this case the backup are not listed in backupmanager.
when i rename the panle login name in hsteterei-langstr --> psa create a new folder in /var/lib/psa/dumps/clients --> /hsteterei-langstr during the next backup.
in this case the backup is listed in backupmanager

befor update to 11.5.3 all backups are listed in backupmanager.
my problem ist there are about 200 custmer on the server --> each of them have the domain name as login in panel. i cannot rename all the login names.
best regards
it seems the problem is the custumer panle login name.
in our enviroment the panel login name is the same name as the customers domain name. for example: hsteterei-langstr.or.at
so the folder in var/lib/psa/dumps/clients is also hsteterei-langstr.or.at. in this case the backup are not listed in backupmanager.
when i rename the panle login name in hsteterei-langstr --> psa create a new folder in /var/lib/psa/dumps/clients --> /hsteterei-langstr during the next backup.
in this case the backup is listed in backupmanager

befor update to 11.5.3 all backups are listed in backupmanager.
my problem ist there are about 200 custmer on the server --> each of them have the domain name as login in panel. i cannot rename all the login names.
best regards

Thank you for such interesting case. I will think what we can do with it.
Simonkraml, I've reproduced your problem.
Problem affects Unix only.
As workaround I suggest you to use customer level backups (Subscripion's Control Panel -> "Account" tab -> "Back Up My Account and Websites"). They must be listed properly.
Bug: PPP-4427.
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