• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Plesk 11.5 Preview

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Here it goes! autoinstall.plesk.com points to I included 2 screenshots.

plesk.inf3 = 217329 bytes big with md5sum 2ea607dde210b4d5ae49e35c7f96b269
I had the same issue with the Panel offering me 11.5.29 (although my settings were set to general release) and I could fix the issue by changing my update policy to some different value (e.g. late-adopter), save the settings, change back to general release and then save again.
After that I don't have the update notification for 11.5.29 in the admin panel anymore.

Hopefully this helps anybody and that it does not occur again in a while.
Thanks M4Rv_! Will try it.

@Parallels: sometimes I think you guys need to do some more Q/A. These days MU's fix 3 bugs and introduce 3 new bugs.
could you show output of this command:
# mysql -u admin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` -e "use psa; select * from smb_productUpgrades"

There you go:

| id | releaseId | description | shown | version |
| 1 | PLESK_11_5_29 | Parallels Plesk Panel 11.5.29 | 0 | 11.5.29 |
LinqLOL, thanks!
This is problem in Plesk 11.0.9 - Plesk in some cases determines specified tier wrong. As workaround you may remove all records from "smb_productUpgrades" table.
I could fix the issue by changing my update policy to some different value (e.g. late-adopter), save the settings, change back to general release and then save again.

Plesk cleans smb_productUpgrades table during changing tier and you don't see this message again.
This record was added when Plesk was available some days as 'early adopters' build.
FYI the solution in this case is:

mysql -u admin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` -e "use psa; DELETE FROM smb_productUpgrades;"
Same here.
One Windows VM already got upgraded to 11.5.29 this way.
And a few other Linux installs are showing available upgrades.

What is the current release status of Plesk 11.5?
This update is starting be a pain in my side... Went to add WordPress and this is what I got "Non-zero exit status returned by script. Output stream: 'PHP Warning: mysql_connect(): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111 in /usr/local/psa/var/apspackages/apscatalogvZmOYc.zip9cc03716-951c-95/cache/scripts/db-util.php on line 66 '." So Plesk or anyone call yall help me?

I Fixed it!

Error: Installation of osTicket at http://intelliwebhosting.com/osticket failed. Non-zero exit status returned by script. Output stream: 'PHP Warning: mysql_connect(): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111 in /usr/local/psa/var/apspackages/apscatalogZktuJK.zipc08c16b6-2936-45/cache/scripts/db-util.php on line 66 '. Error stream: 'PHP Warning: mysql_connect(): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111 in /usr/local/psa/var/apspackages/apscatalogZktuJK.zipc08c16b6-2936-45/cache/scripts/db-util.php on line 66 '.

looks like the app wants to install using mysql by using ipaddr:3306 instead of connecting via localhost.

already installed apps seem to connect fine. This just started after upgrade from 11.3 to 11.5

Any idea how to fix this?

Sorry been busy the past few days, this is how I Fixed it:

Edit these two files /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/my.cnf

In the hosts.allow add this line under the last comment line.... mysqld-max: ALL : ALLOW ... save file

In the my.cnf edit this line from... bind-address= to... # bind-address= ... save file

Then after that, run this command line to restart the database... /etc/init.d/mysqld restart

This fix worked for me.
Very well done Parallels! Some of our customers have of course done the update offered.

IP of autoinstall.plesk.com is

And no, it has not been selected "early adopter", you can now think of something to make the fix ****.
The error is clearly on your side.
I am still getting the error when I try to view the "Websites & Domain" area... Any help would be great.
Internal error: Unable to find row by field registryResourceId with value de1c9912-f10c-4804-9c56-02326e64fd97 in smb_apsInstances table.

Unable to find row by field registryResourceId with value de1c9912-f10c-4804-9c56-02326e64fd97 in smb_apsInstances table.



I am still getting the error when I try to view the "Websites & Domain" area... Any help would be great.
Internal error: Unable to find row by field registryResourceId with value de1c9912-f10c-4804-9c56-02326e64fd97 in smb_apsInstances table.

Unable to find row by field registryResourceId with value de1c9912-f10c-4804-9c56-02326e64fd97 in smb_apsInstances table.



I think that root cause of this error, is error when application wants to connect mysql by using ipaddr:3306 instead of connecting via localhost. More details in the thread http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?287930
Plesk Service team is working on this issue and it will be fixed in future updates.
As a temporary workaround, you can allow the IP for the port 3306.
If the issue persists, please grant access to all IP addresses (%) for the database "apsc":
for example:

update db set Host='%' where Db='apsc';
I think that root cause of this error, is error when application wants to connect mysql by using ipaddr:3306 instead of connecting via localhost. More details in the thread http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?287930
Plesk Service team is working on this issue and it will be fixed in future updates.
As a temporary workaround, you can allow the IP for the port 3306.
If the issue persists, please grant access to all IP addresses (%) for the database "apsc":
for example:

update db set Host='%' where Db='apsc';

I don't think it is connection to MySQL error... I think that the Abstract.php file is looking at the wrong "registryResourceId". Also the "de1c9912-f10c-4804-9c56-02326e64fd97" is no where in my psa DB, I have 3 different entries in the "smb_apsInstances" table. I think the Abstract.php calls the "registryResourceId" but I think it should call the "id" field in the "smb_apsInstances" table, this might make things easier. But I could be wrong because the Abstract.php is encrypted, im just looking at the error log files.

Just to be clear, this error is related to the "Webspaces" link in the admin panel to view my websites control panel "Websites & Domains". The funny thing is that all other areas works but the "Websites & Domains" area. Like I said there is no smb_apsInstances de1c9912-f10c-4804-9c56-02326e64fd97 in the psa DB.

Also is there a way to manually change the "registryResourceId" of the domain in my webspaces, or add the missing registryResourceId that the Abstract.php is looking for?
Away to sync the psa DB smb_apsInstances with plesk panel webspaces to update all "registryResourceId"?

Also I did what you suggested and nothing work.

Hope all this make sense.
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Hello, yesterday Plesk 11.5 has been widely announced as released in "early adopter" release.

We would like to thank everyone for your involvement in Plesk 11.5 preview. We hope altogether we can make Plesk a better product.
Your feedback was a great help in discovering problems and much influenced product development.

We are closing the thread now. Whichever issue you notice with Plesk 11.5, feel free to submit it to the forum. Whichever idea or request you have, plesk.uservoice.com will gladly accept it and will let everyone support it with their votes.
Plesk 11.5 evaluation licenses are terminated now, but it will not impact your servers for about a month since now. Also you can always download 15-day trial from parallels.com

The team will continue monitoring issues and issuing fixes weekly.

Thank you so much!

Plesk team

There were issues reported with Plesk users seeing Plesk 11.5 "early adopter" release despite their preference for "regular" or "late adopter". The fix has been included in Plesk 11.0 MU #55, so once on the latest Plesk 11.0 or 10.4, notification of Plesk 11.5 will disappear again if doesn't match selected upgrade policy.
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