between 2 plesk server
i have this problem
how can i solve this?
between 2 plesk server
i have this problem
[2016-04-24 15:52:59][INFO] Create hosting addon plan 'Web Presence Builder' owned by admin
[2016-04-24 15:52:59][ERROR] Failed to create hosting addon plan 'Web Presence Builder' of admin: Plesk error [1019]: Invalid value for bandwidth property
[2016-04-24 15:52:59][INFO] Hosting plan '60 MB' owned by admin already exists on the target panel, no need to create
[2016-04-24 15:52:59][INFO] Hosting plan '100 MB' owned by admin already exists on the target panel, no need to create
[2016-04-24 15:52:59][INFO] Hosting plan '250MB' owned by admin already exists on the target panel, no need to create
[2016-04-24 15:53:00][ERROR] Failed to create hosting plans
Cause: Failed to create the following plans on target panel:
- hosting addon plan 'Web Presence Builder' owned by admin
how can i solve this?