Good Day.
The update will stop here and goes no further.
And the last 8 hours.
The email sendmail does not work.
Can you help me please.
The panel is funny enough already at 10.4.4 while the update is still running
File downloading PSA_10.4.4/microupdates/MU5/l10n/smb/application/resources/languages/ja-JP/controllers/web/index.php: 100% was finished.
File downloading PSA_10.4.4/microupdates/MU5/l10n/smb/application/resources/languages/ja-JP/controllers/web/view.php: 21%..33%..44%..56%..68%..80%..92%..100% was finished.
File downloading PSA_10.4.4/microupdates/MU5/dist-deb-Debian-6.0-x86_64/qmail/qmail-smtpd: 11%..21%..31%..41%..51%..61%..71%..81%..91%..100% was finished.
File downloading PSA_10.4.4/microupdates/MU5/dist-deb-Debian-6.0-x86_64/imaplogin: 10%..20%..30%..40%..50%..60%..71%..80%..90%..100% was finished.
File downloading PSA_10.4.4/microupdates/MU5/dist-deb-Debian-6.0-x86_64/pop3login: 10%..20%..30%..40%..50%..60%..
The update will stop here and goes no further.
And the last 8 hours.
The email sendmail does not work.
Can you help me please.
The panel is funny enough already at 10.4.4 while the update is still running