Logrotation suddenly stoppet on one of my plesk servers, but not for all domains..
Efter debugging for some time, I ran /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/statistics which normally is run by cron with ">/dev/null 2>&1" parameters, so noone sees any errors.
And the script complained about a domin holders database name, which is named by aaa_bbb-ccc. And it's probably the "-" which is the problem.
I found that all domain sorted decendeing under that domain doesn't get it's logs rotated - and furthermore the traffic stats isn't updated.
There are probably more things that doesn't work.
Any clues on a solution ?
Efter debugging for some time, I ran /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/statistics which normally is run by cron with ">/dev/null 2>&1" parameters, so noone sees any errors.
And the script complained about a domin holders database name, which is named by aaa_bbb-ccc. And it's probably the "-" which is the problem.
I found that all domain sorted decendeing under that domain doesn't get it's logs rotated - and furthermore the traffic stats isn't updated.
There are probably more things that doesn't work.
Any clues on a solution ?