• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Problem in microupdates

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Basic Pleskian
Hello, my server is throwing these errors for two days.
No finishes updating.
Thank you.



Execution failed.
Command: autoinstaller
Arguments: Array
    [0] => --select-product-id
    [1] => plesk
    [2] => --select-release-current
    [3] => --upgrade-installed-components

Details: Doing restart of Parallels Installer...
File downloading products.inf3: 100% was finished.
File downloading plesk.inf3: 11%..22%..33%..42%..51%..62%..72%..80%..92%..100% was finished.
File downloading ppsmbe.inf3: 59%..100% was finished.
File downloading sitebuilder.inf3: 100% was finished.
File downloading sso.inf3: 100% was finished.
File downloading setemplates.inf3: 100% was finished.
File downloading pp-sitebuilder.inf3: 18%..39%..42%..63%..74%..94%..100% was finished.
File downloading billing.inf3: 14%..30%..44%..57%..63%..79%..90%..100% was finished.
File downloading mysql.inf3: 100% was finished.
File downloading apache.inf3: 100% was finished.
File downloading nginx.inf3: 100% was finished.
Checking for installed packages... 
File downloading PSA_11.5.30/plesk-11.5.30-cos6-x86_64.inf3: 22%..48%..52%..71%..91%..100% was finished.
File downloading PSA_11.5.30/plesk-patches-11.5.30-cos6-x86_64.inf3: 11%..25%..40%..60%..72%..89%..90%..100% was finished.
File downloading SITEBUILDER_11.5.10/sitebuilder-11.5.10-rhall-all.inf3: 100% was finished.
File downloading BILLING_11.5.30/billing-11.5.30-rhall-all.inf3: 100% was finished.
File downloading NGINX_1.5.0/nginx-1.5.0-cos6-x86_64.inf3: 100% was finished.
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * atomic: www7.atomicorp.com
 * base: mirror.skylink-datacenter.de
 * extras: mirror.skylink-datacenter.de
 * rpmforge: mirror.nl.leaseweb.net
 * updates: centos.intergenia.de

Detecting installed product components.
Gathering information about installed license key...
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * atomic: www7.atomicorp.com
 * base: mirror.skylink-datacenter.de
 * extras: mirror.skylink-datacenter.de
 * rpmforge: mirror.nl.leaseweb.net
 * updates: centos.intergenia.de

PPB_11_5_30-dist                                         |  951 B     00:00     

PPB_11_5_30-thirdparty                                   |  951 B     00:00     

PSA_11_5_30-dist                                         | 2.9 kB     00:00     

PSA_11_5_30-thirdparty                                   | 2.9 kB     00:00     

SITEBUILDER_11_5_10-dist                                 |  951 B     00:00     

SITEBUILDER_11_5_10-thirdparty                           |  951 B     00:00     
+ php-cli
+ php-pdo
+ php-common
+ php-xml
+ php-mysql
+ php-gd
+ php-mbstring
+ php
+ php-mcrypt
+ php-imap

Following amount of diskpace required in directories:
/usr/local: 1200.00 Mb.
Total required: 1200.00 Mb, available 1443640.00 Mb.

Installing packages
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * atomic: www7.atomicorp.com
 * base: mirror.skylink-datacenter.de
 * extras: mirror.skylink-datacenter.de
 * rpmforge: mirror.nl.leaseweb.net
 * updates: centos.intergenia.de
(1/10): php-5.4.29-35. (0%)  2% [             ]  0.0 B/s |  76 kB     --:-- ETA 
(1/10): php-5.4.29-35. (2%)  7% [-            ] 195 kB/s | 205 kB     00:13 ETA 
(1/10): php-5.4.29-35. (6%) 17% [==           ] 238 kB/s | 484 kB     00:09 ETA 
(1/10): php-5.4.29-35. (11%) 33% [====        ] 312 kB/s | 936 kB     00:05 ETA 
(1/10): php-5.4.29-35. (17%) 50% [======      ] 387 kB/s | 1.4 MB     00:03 ETA 
(1/10): php-5.4.29-35. (26%) 77% [=========   ] 507 kB/s | 2.1 MB     00:01 ETA 

(1/10): php-5.4.29-35.el6.art.x86_64.rpm                 | 2.7 MB     00:02     
(2/10): php-cli-5.4.29 (35%)  2% [            ]  0.0 B/s |  76 kB     --:-- ETA 
(2/10): php-cli-5.4.29 (37%)  8% [=           ] 238 kB/s | 232 kB     00:10 ETA 
(2/10): php-cli-5.4.29 (40%) 19% [==          ] 276 kB/s | 505 kB     00:07 ETA 
(2/10): php-cli-5.4.29 (46%) 34% [====        ] 340 kB/s | 914 kB     00:05 ETA 
(2/10): php-cli-5.4.29 (52%) 55% [======-     ] 430 kB/s | 1.4 MB     00:02 ETA 
(2/10): php-cli-5.4.29 (63%) 87% [==========  ] 574 kB/s | 2.3 MB     00:00 ETA 

(2/10): php-cli-5.4.29-35.el6.art.x86_64.rpm             | 2.6 MB     00:02     
(3/10): php-common-5.4 (68%)  9% [=           ]  0.0 B/s |  92 kB     --:-- ETA 
(3/10): php-common-5.4 (71%) 28% [===         ] 266 kB/s | 265 kB     00:02 ETA 
(3/10): php-common-5.4 (75%) 63% [=======-    ] 314 kB/s | 596 kB     00:01 ETA 

(3/10): php-common-5.4.29-35.el6.art.x86_64.rpm          | 931 kB     00:01     
(4/10): php-gd-5.4.29- (80%) 64% [=======-    ]  0.0 B/s |  92 kB     --:-- ETA 

(4/10): php-gd-5.4.29-35.el6.art.x86_64.rpm              | 143 kB     00:00     

(5/10): php-imap-5.4.29-35.el6.art.x86_64.rpm            |  79 kB     00:00     
(6/10): php-mbstring-5 (84%) 16% [=-          ]  0.0 B/s | 154 kB     --:-- ETA 
(6/10): php-mbstring-5 (88%) 54% [======-     ] 574 kB/s | 518 kB     00:00 ETA 

(6/10): php-mbstring-5.4.29-35.el6.art.x86_64.rpm        | 944 kB     00:00     

(7/10): php-mcrypt-5.4.29-35.el6.art.x86_64.rpm          |  51 kB     00:00     

(8/10): php-mysql-5.4.29-35.el6.art.x86_64.rpm           | 136 kB     00:00     
(9/10): php-pdo-5.4.29 (97%) 76% [=========   ]  0.0 B/s |  92 kB     --:-- ETA 

(9/10): php-pdo-5.4.29-35.el6.art.x86_64.rpm             | 120 kB     00:00     
(10/10): php-xml-5.4.2 (99%) 90% [==========- ]  0.0 B/s | 154 kB     --:-- ETA 

(10/10): php-xml-5.4.29-35.el6.art.x86_64.rpm            | 171 kB     00:00     
warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 45dasAafa9: NOKEY
Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.art.txt
Fatal error during packages installation: The GPG keys listed for the "CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - atomicrocketturtle.com" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.
Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository.
YumBaseError: The GPG keys listed for the "CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - atomicrocketturtle.com" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.
Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository.

ERROR: Failed to run the Yum utility.
The Yum utility failed to install the required packages.
Attention! Your software might be inoperable.
Please, contact product technical support.
Last edited:
Hi, one thing that does not change.
No such files are changed. :-(

And then modify your /etc/yum.repos.d/atomic.repo file with the following:
gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt   
Hello people!
The problem is Solved!
Thank you very much .. :)))

Thank you very much Sir iGorg, and Sir Atomicturtle

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