- Server operating system version
- Ubuntu 20.4.LTS
- Plesk version and microupdate number
- Plesk Obsidian Version 18.0.34 Update #2,
yesterday I tried to update my virtual sever hosted by STRATO. Last time that was done very easy and I did it the same way:
- do the update on a day when my weekly full-backup was created (every night a 3:00, one full-backup per week and incremental on the othe days)
- install a complete new Linux-environment including Plesk on the virtual server (the only way to do an update by STRATO)( old one was ubuntu 16.4.LTS wirh Plesk, new one Ubuntu 22.4 LTS with Plesk)
- restore the Plesk-backup-file
The old version was Ubuntu 16.4 LTS, the new one was Ubuntu 22.4 LTS
This time it doesn't work. Plesk retored all files but gave me some warnings after restore. One of them was, that I forgot to install DNS-(bind)-service. So none of the domains could be found from the internet.
OK, seams to be easy: install the DNS(bind)-Servcie and try again.
I did it this way:
- install the DNS(bind)-service via tools&settings -> updates -> add components
- start bind
- restart the server, check in Plesk if DNS bind was started -> OK, all seams to be fine.
- restore the backup again -> here I choose to only restore the configuration, not all the files of the websites, because the files are already restored and the DNS(bind)-error is only a configuration-problem and restoring the files needs about 2 or 3 hours (30GB backup-tar-file) .
But after restoring the configuration the warning remains the same: no DNS service installed.
Addinionally Plask sets new password for a lot of (all?) users.
I will try to do the update again, but I have to know what I have done wrong to avoid doing the same mistake again.
Maybe the backup was password-saved (I ste up the weekly backups some years ago and am not sure if I used a password, but during restore Plesk don't ask me for a password so I think the backup was not protected.
I had to reset the server immediately to the last STRATO full server-backup to bring up the websites again. So no messages or settings from the unsuccessful restore are available now for analysing what was gone wrong :-(.
Can anyone see a mistake in my steps to do the update and restore?
Many thanks
yesterday I tried to update my virtual sever hosted by STRATO. Last time that was done very easy and I did it the same way:
- do the update on a day when my weekly full-backup was created (every night a 3:00, one full-backup per week and incremental on the othe days)
- install a complete new Linux-environment including Plesk on the virtual server (the only way to do an update by STRATO)( old one was ubuntu 16.4.LTS wirh Plesk, new one Ubuntu 22.4 LTS with Plesk)
- restore the Plesk-backup-file
The old version was Ubuntu 16.4 LTS, the new one was Ubuntu 22.4 LTS
This time it doesn't work. Plesk retored all files but gave me some warnings after restore. One of them was, that I forgot to install DNS-(bind)-service. So none of the domains could be found from the internet.
OK, seams to be easy: install the DNS(bind)-Servcie and try again.
I did it this way:
- install the DNS(bind)-service via tools&settings -> updates -> add components
- start bind
- restart the server, check in Plesk if DNS bind was started -> OK, all seams to be fine.
- restore the backup again -> here I choose to only restore the configuration, not all the files of the websites, because the files are already restored and the DNS(bind)-error is only a configuration-problem and restoring the files needs about 2 or 3 hours (30GB backup-tar-file) .
But after restoring the configuration the warning remains the same: no DNS service installed.
Addinionally Plask sets new password for a lot of (all?) users.
I will try to do the update again, but I have to know what I have done wrong to avoid doing the same mistake again.
Maybe the backup was password-saved (I ste up the weekly backups some years ago and am not sure if I used a password, but during restore Plesk don't ask me for a password so I think the backup was not protected.
I had to reset the server immediately to the last STRATO full server-backup to bring up the websites again. So no messages or settings from the unsuccessful restore are available now for analysing what was gone wrong :-(.
Can anyone see a mistake in my steps to do the update and restore?
Many thanks