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Problems with @adminemail@



OS Microsoft Windows 6.1;build-7601;sp1.0;suite274;product3
Panel version 10.2.0

I have an issue where any forms created on websites sent via mail without an address defined are sent with a from address of @adminemail@.

Also the plesk panel default page is just showing this variable on the link.

I have checked the admin email address is entered & correct in the profile settings & any notifications sent from plesk are allow through the mail server & have the from correct address, I have checked the mail server to make sure that it is not the server creating this by sending reports internally from this.

The mail server is smartermail 7.6.

The websites & forms are being moved from a plesk 10.1 server & they work fine on that.

I think that’s all the information at present but any help would be great fully received

Due to some strange problem placeholder located in %plesk_dir%\Additional\PleskPHP5\php.ini was not replaced. You can either replace it manually or try to launch:
"%plesk_dir%\ch_admin_email.exe" install [email protected]

This call should also replace placeholder on default server page.
Pavel almost correct but pointed me in the right direction cheers.....

I tried the ch_admin_email.exe but this had no effect this was located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin

I also tried to modify the php.ini in the pleskphp5 directory & restarted the server No Joy

I changed the varible in the php.in in the normal php directory

; For Win32 only.
;sendmail_from = [email protected]
sendmail_from = @adminemail@ *to adminstrators email address*

Restarted the server & now all appears ok.

Cheers for you help
Due to some strange problem placeholder located in %plesk_dir%\Additional\PleskPHP5\php.ini was not replaced. You can either replace it manually or try to launch:
"%plesk_dir%\ch_admin_email.exe" install [email protected]

This call should also replace placeholder on default server page.

This syntax is wrong. It's

"%plesk_bin%\ch_admin_email.exe" install [email protected]

And this doesn't change the "sendmail_from" directive in C:\Program Files\Parallels\Plesk\Additional\PleskPHP5\php.ini. Please explain how to affect the "sendmail_from" directive in plesk's default php.ini. Thank you.