• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Quit integrating SWsoft SPAM adverts into our PAID software



What is going on SWsoft? Why are you spamming MY clients with YOUR products that are of absolutely no use to them??

I have paid a lot of money for each of my Plesk licences and do not appreciate you forcing adverts on to my hosting clients. I expect adverts in free products but not SOFTWARE I HAVE PAID FOR! :mad:

The name SWsoft should NOT appear anywhere to the end user. Admin panel only, if you must. Give us the option to:

REMOVE Plesk News
REMOVE News feed in Webmail (adverts IMO)
REMOVE any mention of Dr.Web if not installed
REMOVE any mention of Virtuozzo if not installed
REMOVE Adverts in top banner
REMOVE Fotolia links

This is apalling and unbvelievable! Christ, SWsoft management make me so mad :mad:
100% agree!
SwSoft, please remove all ads and links to other SWSoft-Products from Plesk.

I don't want to annoy my customers with ad's in my expensive swsoft-software! :mad:
I wouldn't even mind if it cost to turn it off. I just think it is VERY unprofessional to have ADS all over the place. Are they hurting for money that bad?

It is never a good sign when they start to implement their own advertising network into your products. I thought that it was MY server.

When a customer says.. " Don't I pay you enough?"..."Remove this stuff" it makes me look really really bad.

Whatever.... I'm mad.
No way ! Boycot SUS !

I cannot belive my eyes ! I have not seen it yet but as reported this sounds a 1 April (fools days) joke !

Thats completly unaceptable, SW-Soft customers must unite and make Sw-Soft understand they cannot do this.

I would propose a boicot on SUS until they remove such type of ads !

Joao Correia
Agreed. We are a SWSOFT Gold Partner and have enjoyed the products since Plesk 2.5. However, this crosses the line for one main reason:


Smaller providers (like most of us here) sometimes have to overcome a credibility & stability issue in order to win over customers. By placing the SWSOFT advertisements on our control panel, this confuses our customers. Have we been bought out? Are we simply reselling some other provider's service? We have worked hard to build and promote our brand, and SWSOFT diluting it is not appreciated.

SWSOFT has every right to display their copyright notice, and perhaps even their logo. But advertisements cross-promoting their other software has no place in a control panel environment that we provide to customers.

Plesk is not cheap. If this was part of the price you pay for an inexpensive product, then I think we could understand measures such as this. But between initial licensing cost, annual SUS, Partnership fees... we deserve more consideration. I am unaware of any other major control panel product that carries advertising for its developer like this.

This is a disappointing development, but perhaps simply an oversight. I hope that SWSOFT will reverse its direction on this once they understand its negative impact on we, the Plesk customers.

In the meantime, we will spend labor time to remove the advertising from the control panel.

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
Hosting, Collocation, Dedicated Servers
(972) 485-4125 | http://www.virtbiz.com
SWSOFT, catch a clue and include the removal of the SPAM BS in the next psa update please :confused:
This is crossing the line, we will migrate to free software


We are because of this migrating our customers to free software, most of our customers dont use the extra feature that Plesk controlpanel can offer and i belive it is better to move now ....before myplesk.com also include full webhosting offers for my customers.

This is crossing the line, i dont really care if they move the advertisements now....we are now migrating.

SWSOFT have showed us that they dont care about their customers and they are ready to steal our revenue.

This software is paid fore and we belive that it is breaking the law to include spam in the controlpanel.

We would like our money back.

So SWSOFT have just lost a customer :-(


Peter Nilsson
BlueQuartz has been a fantastic product for us. It's rock-solid stable, comes from a proven background (Sun/Cobalt), has excellent community support, and lots of available extensions.

There is even a single-CD, freely downloadable ISO that will install CentOS 4.4 with the CP loaded right on it.

It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of Plesk, but for the price, it's a fantastic option. We have more than 120 dedicated server customers using it right now, and we are offering pre-loaded dedicated servers from $49/month with it. Our experience has been really good.
hosting based on 100% open source software


I would use this software and skip the controlpanel, most of my users don care if there is a smart controlpanel or not, just that they can manage databases and mailaccounts.

qmail, qmailadmin, vpopmail, courier imap, look at

apache2, mysql and phpmyadmin

on a ubuntu linux server (it is debian based)

All saved costs would be used to lower my prices on hosting.


Peter Nilsson
Of course, the main point here is that Plesk is for the most part a great product. However, the issue of placing advertisements on the control panel that we present to our customer, and doing so without our consent, is a big deal for us.

Since many of the people who post here represent smaller web hosting and dedicated server providers, what I would suggest is for all of the providers who have paid for their Plesk licenses and SUS to join us and contact their sales rep. Let them know that you consider this to be a bad situation, and one that is harmful to your business. Don't be ugly or rude, but just explain why this is a problem. If enough of their marketplace voices an opinion, it would be foolish for SWSOFT to ignore that.

Phone numbers and email addresses can be found on SWSOFT's website here:
just too bad


I will move from plesk now, to get more control over my setup and to be honest i dont trust SWSOFT anymore.

This is my last response to this post :)


Peter Nilsson
To anyone from SWsoft who is reading this forum, please remove the ads/spam from Plesk asap!

I'm going to email my sales rep as well.

They can keep all the ads and news feeds in the free version but as soon as a valid (purchased) key is installed, they should not be displayed.
We're thinking about a change to Ensim Pro for Linux. (http://www.ensim.com/products/pro/)
That's not the way we want to go, but if SWSoft not immediately solve all the Bugs and Spam is it a "must" for us.

We're tired to be Beta testers :mad:
Ads ... fix

I mailed Sw-Soft about this and they told:

"It seems we will have a patch for that issue in a few days."

Joao Correia
searching through the forums i have managed to remove all of the adverts from the control panel.

I still dont agree that they should be their in the first place!