Golden Pleskian
By default, when running Plesk-Roundcube 1.4.11 on Obsidian 18.0.35 it still defaults to PHP 7.3.27, yet, Plesk itself was upgraded from PHP 7.3.27 to PHP 7.4.16, as part of the upgrade from Obsidian 18.034 > Obsisidan 18.0.35... Officially, only Roundcube 1.5.* onwards will run on PHP 7.8.* so that's not an issue right now.
However, IF a removal of PHP 7.3.27 is attempted now (in our case, because we don't need that old & no longer actively supported PHP release, for anything else...) the Plesk default warnings about also 'removing Roundcube...' appear. This is regardless of the fact that the Official Roundcube 1.4.11 release itself, does fully support PHP 7.4.*
We currently use: Package: plesk-roundcube - Version: 1.4.11-v.ubuntu.20.04+p18.0.35.0+t210414.1515
Will that ^ Plesk package run on PHP 7.4.* - Yes or No?
If so, how is the PHP release change invoked? Although it's written for Plesk Onyx, the way THIS Plesk Article on doing exactly that, carries an opening info icon for Plesk Obsidian, it implies... it's PHP 7.3.* or bust - at present.
Or, is it about to appear as a mod in say, an Obsidian 18.0.35.* interim upgrade package instead?
However, IF a removal of PHP 7.3.27 is attempted now (in our case, because we don't need that old & no longer actively supported PHP release, for anything else...) the Plesk default warnings about also 'removing Roundcube...' appear. This is regardless of the fact that the Official Roundcube 1.4.11 release itself, does fully support PHP 7.4.*
We currently use: Package: plesk-roundcube - Version: 1.4.11-v.ubuntu.20.04+p18.0.35.0+t210414.1515
Will that ^ Plesk package run on PHP 7.4.* - Yes or No?
If so, how is the PHP release change invoked? Although it's written for Plesk Onyx, the way THIS Plesk Article on doing exactly that, carries an opening info icon for Plesk Obsidian, it implies... it's PHP 7.3.* or bust - at present.
Or, is it about to appear as a mod in say, an Obsidian 18.0.35.* interim upgrade package instead?