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Question Sendy Cron job setup


Basic Pleskian

I want to set up a cron job for Sendy newsletter hosted on my server.
The instructions are:
Time Interval
*/1 * * * *
php /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/subdomain.domain.com/import-csv.php > /dev/null 2>&1

I have a question about the command. Should I select as task type to run a command or better run a PHP script?
What about the redirection parameter > /dev/null 2>&1?
You should select "run a PHP script" and select the same PHP version that you are also using for your website.

See also: Scheduling Tasks

The redirection ">/dev/null 2>&1" means "redirect any standard output (STDOUT) to the null-device and do the same for any error output (STDERR)".
If you want to receive any failure output from the script, remove "2>&1" from the command line.
Thanks for the info, if I don't want any failure output from the script where do I put the redirection parameter > /dev/null 2>&1? After the script path or in the arguments section?