• Hi, Pleskians! We are running a UX testing of our upcoming product intended for server management and monitoring.
    We would like to invite you to have a call with us and have some fun checking our prototype. The agenda is pretty simple - we bring new design and some scenarios that you need to walk through and succeed. We will be watching and taking insights for further development of the design.
    If you would like to participate, please use this link to book a meeting. We will sent the link to the clickable prototype at the meeting.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.
  • The ImunifyAV extension is now deprecated and no longer available for installation.
    Existing ImunifyAV installations will continue operating for three months, and after that will automatically be replaced with the new Imunify extension. We recommend that you manually replace any existing ImunifyAV installations with Imunify at your earliest convenience.

Forwarded to devs Subscriptions become locked for sync if PHP settings are changed


Regular Pleskian
User name: nethubonline


Subscriptions become locked for sync if PHP settings are changed


CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611, Plesk, Onyx 17.8.11 Update #83 & Plesk Obsidian 18.0.24 Update #83


I found this URL [FIXED BUG] Subscriptions become locked for sync if PHP settings are changed about the problem has been fixed in new update, but I checked it is not fixed completely.

Problem still exists on Plesk 17.8 & Plesk 18 , but some little different results.

Secondly change service plan would raise another problem.


  1. fresh install Plesk
  2. plesk bin customer --create example.com -name example.com -passwd Testing1234 -email [email protected]
  3. plesk bin subscription --create example.com -owner example.com -service-plan "Default Domain" -ip -login test -passwd Testing1234

Login as "Customer" > Websites & Domains > PHP Settings
ActionPlesk 17.8Plesk 18
Change "PHP version" (don't touch "run PHP as")SyncedSynced
Change "run PHP as" (don't touch "PHP version")LockedSynced

Login as "admin" > Subscriptions > example.com > PHP Settings
ActionPlesk 17.8Plesk 18
Change "PHP version" (don't touch "run PHP as")LockedSynced
Change "run PHP as" (don't touch "PHP version")LockedSynced
Change "memory_limit"LockedLocked
Change "Additional configuration directives"SyncedSynced

By command line
ActionPlesk 17.8Plesk 18
plesk bin subscription -u example.com -php_handler_id plesk-php72-fpmSyncedSynced
plesk bin subscription -u example.com -php_handler_id plesk-php73-fastcgiSyncedSynced
echo 'memory_limit = 123M' > /tmp/php.txt; plesk bin subscription --update-php-settings example.com -settings /tmp/php.txtSyncedSynced
echo 'register_long_arrays = On' > /tmp/php.txt; plesk bin subscription --update-php-settings example.com -additional-settings /tmp/php.txtSyncedSynced

Change service plan would raise another problem, I will show you to clear everything and start again:
  1. plesk bin subscription --unlock-subscription example.com
  2. plesk bin subscription --sync-subscription example.com
  3. echo 'memory_limit = 123M' > /tmp/php.txt; plesk bin subscription --update-php-settings example.com -settings /tmp/php.txt
  4. echo 'register_long_arrays = On' > /tmp/php.txt; plesk bin subscription --update-php-settings example.com -additional-settings /tmp/php.txt

  5. plesk bin subscription --switch-subscription example.com -service-plan "Unlimited"

    Result: Synced, "memory_limit = 123M" still exists but "register_long_arrays = On" disappeared and ineffective

  6. plesk bin subscription --switch-subscription example.com -service-plan "Default Domain"

    Result: Synced, but "memory_limit = 123M" and "register_long_arrays = On" disappeared


  • Customer/admin make changes to PHP settings will lock subscription
  • Command line make changes to PHP settings do not lock subscription
  • Change service plan for a subscription will clear some/all PHP Settings


  • Subscription should be syncd no matter how customer/admin make changes to PHP settings
  • Change service plan for a subscription should keep all PHP Settings if the subscription is in syncd status



Confirm bug
From developer:

Subscription should get locked upon memory_limit change if permission "Hosting performance settings management" is not granted (and it is not by default) to prevent custom value being overwritten. Bug PPPM-11740 is confirmed regarding subscription not being locked while changing memory_limit via CLI.

As for additional PHP settings, it is expected that they are overwritten during synchronization with the plan, see PHP Settings
Thanks IgorG,

Oh, if changing memory_limit via CLI should get locked status, then it make sense.

I understand about "the added directives and other changes in PHP settings can be lost when the subscription is synchronized with the service plan" , however I wonder why setting "additional PHP directives" does not get the Locked status? Do you think it is better to lock it?

Since the subscription is synced, I may not know there is setting in Additional configuration directives, if I change its plan, website may be down because missing the PHP parameters.