- Server operating system version
- CentOS Linux 8.5.2111
- Plesk version and microupdate number
- Plesk Obsidian Version 18.0.41
I get this error message when trying to install the docker extension.
Any ideas?
I get this error message when trying to install the docker extension.
- The execution of post-install.php has failed with the following message:
- [2023-04-26 04:59:01.960] 3702:6448a185ea570 ERR [extension/docker] Execution installer has failed with exit code 1, stdout: , stderr: ERROR:__main__
ackage "device-mapper-persistent-data" is not available
- Command ['yum', '-q', 'info', 'device-mapper-persistent-data'] finished with 1.
- stdout:
- stderr: Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist
- exit status 1
Any ideas?