• We value your experience with Plesk during 2024
    Plesk strives to perform even better in 2025. To help us improve further, please answer a few questions about your experience with Plesk Obsidian 2024.
    Please take this short survey:

  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Issue Upgrade fail from 18.0.62 'plesk-backend' failed with code 1603.


New Pleskian
Server operating system version
Windows Server 2019
Plesk version and microupdate number
Plesk Obsidian v18.0.62

Upgrade fail from 18.0.62 'plesk-backend' failed with code 1603.

plesk installer install-all-updates


downloading components


Installing packages

Upgrading Plesk Utilities...

MSI: Error! The older version of Plesk Service Node Utilities cannot be removed.  Contact your technical support group.

Failed to install 'C:\ProgramData\Plesk\Installer\cache\pool\release\PLESK-WIN_18.0.62_15144\dist-windows\plesk-backend.msi': Fatal error during installation. (Error code 1603)

Sub-action 'InstallMsiPackage' failed with error code: 1603(0x00000643)

Launching component and product checkers...

Downloading file pool/release/PLESK-WIN_18.0.62_15144/reportupdate.exe: 0%

Downloading file pool/release/PLESK-WIN_18.0.62_15144/reportupdate.exe: 100% was finished.

ERROR: The installation of the package 'plesk-backend' failed with code 1603. (upgrade: Upgrading Plesk Utilities...)

Not all packages were installed.

Visit https://support.plesk.com/ to search for a solution.

exit status 1