Yesterday my IP is been listed on a virus blacklist. I am 100% sure that this virus is not from my server so I read the FAQ of the blacklist. (http://virbl.bit.nl/faq.php) In one of the FAQ is this chapter:
//edit: Update: I spoke to the admin of the blacklist and it where indead two Failure Notices, so bouces of Qmail that sends the virus back in the header
Yesterday my IP is been listed on a virus blacklist. I am 100% sure that this virus is not from my server so I read the FAQ of the blacklist. (http://virbl.bit.nl/faq.php) In one of the FAQ is this chapter:
But this patch is only for Qmail stand-allone, I understand that if I want to install this patch that SW-Soft has to re-compile Qmial with Plesk? Oh, I am running Plesk Reloaded 7.5.3 with the 4PSA Clean Server (VIP Bundle) on CentOS 3. Is there a simple solution to this problem? Is it possible to drop the mail earlier or make sure that the headers are not send with bounces? I also run 4PSA Qmail Manager, maybe I oversee a setting there?My mailserver is listed, but it is impossible that it is infected with a virus. Your mailserver is probably listed because of bounces. If someone sends a virus to a nonexistant user in your domain, your mailserver will probably bounce the message back to the (forged) sender. If your bounces include the full body of the original message, a bounce will include the original virus. These bounces are just as harmful as the original virus itself. We advice mailserver administrators to configure their mailservers not to include bodies when bouncing. Qmail cannot limit the size of bounces by default. You can use this patch. If the link is dead, you could download this local copy.
//edit: Update: I spoke to the admin of the blacklist and it where indead two Failure Notices, so bouces of Qmail that sends the virus back in the header