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  1. M

    Resolved Fail2Ban doesn't start after upgrade

    Can't get Fail2Ban back to work after upgrading packages on my server (Centos). I get this message in Plesk panel : f2bmng failed: ERROR NOK: ('ssh',) ERROR NOK: ('database is locked',) ERROR:f2bmng:Command '['/usr/bin/fail2ban-client', 'reload']' returned non-zero exit status 255 Search for...
  2. Franco

    Resolved Fail2ban blocks hosting server IP

    Hello, after years of service I got a weird issue whereby fail2ban bans its server Public IP, similar to this case https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/214527985-Websites-show-502-Bad-Gateway-after-enabling-nginx-on-server-with-fail2ban It was solved by adding the servwer public IP in...
  3. WebHostingAce

    Question Block MJ12bot with Plesk Fail2Ban plesk-apache-badbot Filter

    Hi, How can I block MJ12bot with Plesk Fail2Ban plesk-apache-badbot Filter? in access_ssl_log - - [16/Jan/2017:19:36:49 +1100] "GET /wishlist/index/add/product/217/form_key/yAOYefomEzibxwE4/ HTTP/1.0" 302 1038 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.7; http://mj12bot.com/)"...
  4. DimitrisG

    Resolved fail2ban doesn't seem to work

    I am running a fresh install of Onyx on ‪CentOS Linux 7.3.1611. fail2ban seems to be running fine (no errors) # systemctl status fail2ban.service -l ● fail2ban.service - Fail2Ban Service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/fail2ban.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active...
  5. Burak Özdemir

    Resolved fail2ban Trusted IP addresses manual adding

    is there a way to enter Trusted IP list to a file in the OS. I loook at the /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf and /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.conf files but no the IPs I entered through interface does not exist, so they are not the right files. I have got lots of IPs to enter, so any workaround for this...
  6. J

    Resolved where can I find the default postfix-sasl filter?

    I modified the postfix-sasl filter in the IP Address Banning > Jails > but forgot to back it up. is there any place where I can find the default filter used by plesk?
  7. J

    Resolved Fail2ban Jails are inactive

    I noticed that a lot of my fail2ban jails are inactive when trying to activate them I get this Unable to switch on the selected jails: f2bmng failed: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/fail2ban-client", line 470, in if client.start(sys.argv): File "/usr/bin/fail2ban-client"...
  8. P

    Input Fail2Ban Plesk Extention

    Hi Everyone, I just want to input some info here, 1. It seems Plesk GUI currently not using UTF-8 Encoding for Fail2Ban Filter Add/Edit text area. so Do Not Copy Past anything from Internet into the Filter Code editor, this may lead to Fail2ban to get stuck. Best way to add or create/edit...
  9. WebHostingAce

    Question List based permanent bans with fail2ban

    Hi, Does anyone know how to create a new jail for list of IP added manually to a list? Time to time I get abusing IPs I'd like to manually added to a list and block them. I followed http://www.looke.ch/wp/list-based-permanent-bans-with-fail2ban without a success. if there is a way i can do...
  10. D

    Resolved Fail2ban fails, no ip rotate

    Hi, since ... one hour i have always same Ips in that List. Exaclty 160 IPs (which is quite a lot i think) and some specific IP from Customers Home Internet just dont want to get activated again. F2b is set bantime to 10 minutes. what am i missing? I have to say, this Server is a little...
  11. J

    Issue Error activating Fail2Ban

    Goodnight: I am trying to activate Fail2Ban from the Plesk Panel, but I always get this error message: Error: Failed to save settings:f2bmng failed: Job for fail2ban.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status fail2ban.service" and "journalctl -xe"...
  12. Host-Inkompetent

    Question Fail2Ban Configuration failed by \n

    Hi Pleskers, I write in moment a hardening Script for my work and im near finish. In moment I test the Script and found a Error that I cannot fix a day long. I generate the config like this: writeconfigs() { echo '[plesk-proftpd] ' | tee -a $REQ/fail2ban/jail.d/plesk.conf echo...
  13. B

    Resolved Use Fail2Ban IP's in Firewall Rules

    I have people beating up on my server all the time it seems. It happens so often now that I have setup Fail2Ban to block an IP for 7 days after one failed attempt for ftp/ssh/worpess etc. After a month I have 192 banned IP addresses. I was wondering if there was a way to setup the firewall...
  14. N

    Issue IP Address Banning fail2ban UTF-8 error

    We are running a ‪CentOS 6.8 (Final)‬ VPS Server with Plesk 12.5.30 #48 and have a issue with IP Address Banning. When it's on the logfile /var/log/fail2ban.log shows: 2016-09-27 18:44:01,060 fail2ban.filter [16304]: WARNING Error decoding line from '/var/log/maillog' with 'UTF-8'. Consider...
  15. M

    Question Fail2Ban lock real users (repeated)

    Hi there, i have one question. I have a user who is always banned by Fail2Ban from Plesk. I have to unlock the IP manually everytime. Can someone tell me how this could happend? Attached a screenshot from my Analytics. This is the user who is locked permanently. His IP is changing every...
  16. R

    Issue f2bmng failed: Service fail2ban doesn't exists

    I use Fail2ban for a couple of years ago. I need it as breathing, I receive hundreds of attacks per second in my server :(. This night the service failed. There was no way to start, and eventually tried to uninstall it, then reinstall it from the web service. Then, I took hours following...
  17. gennolo

    Resolved fail2ban and plesk-proftpd jail

    Hi all, I have enabled fail2ban with basic Plesk settings , including "plesk-proftpd" jail. According to the jail rule : [plesk-proftpd] enabled = true filter = proftpd action = iptables-multiport[name="plesk-proftpd", port="ftp,ftp-data,ftps,ftps-data"] logpath = /var/log/secure maxretry = 5...
  18. S

    Issue ip block for postfix in Fail2ban dosent work

    Hello, i have installed fail2ban, with all jails and a other with a blacklist. and spammer try different usernames for mail adress and with different password len since 5 days ! the mailservice from this domain is off in the configuration in plesk, the IP from this server in blocked in the...
  19. N

    Resolved Fail2ban 504 Gateway Time-out when opening Banned IP Addresses

    Hi! I'm having an issue where fail2ban service is running, i can access jails, logs and settings, but i'm having a 504 Gateway Time-out when opening Banned IP Addresses. Also turning on or off jails always gives me an error about time-out and try later to see the changes. I have read a lot...
  20. E

    Question regex fail2ban joomla 3.5 plesk 12.5

    Hello, I have a problem about writing a regex expression for Fail2Ban I want to protect administrator access a joomla 3.5 The logs give me the following: [Mon Jun 06 12: 33: 02.268536 2016 ] [ fcgid : warn] [ pid 3700 ] [ client] mod_fcgid : stderr : JCoulot user...