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12.5 | Incremental Backups


Regular Pleskian
Plesk 12.5 contains the incremental backup feature

In the Admin-Guide was a description of the fine grained function of these feature.
I think i don't understand the description correct

You wrote:
Full and Incremental Backups
Plesk includes in incremental backups the data related to web, mail, and database hosting,
but only web hosting data is backed up incrementally.
In other words, only changes in data related to web are taken into account in incremental backups,
while mail and database related data is included in full.

What is the exact meening of these sentence?
Only Filesystem within the /httpdocs/ directory are backuped in an incremental way?

Emails, on every backups are backup as full backup?

I this a temp. issue?
Do you work on this to also support incremental Email Backups?

You can't incremental backup MySQL ....or can you?
Which is why they run FULL backup for both MySQL and Mail.

In short, only Website files (/var/www/vhosts) will be incrementally backed up ...
Yes - i dont want to create increment mysql Backups :p

But Emails from the Filesysteam can be storec in incremental backups - why plesk to this not?
Yes, I agree it's possible to run an incremental email backup since the actual email files are basic files on the server, however since Postfix uses MySQL for email account info storage..(I think this partly is the reason ...)

Never the less, if you must know why, I guess a team member from plesk can explain why ..Than basing on my speculation :)