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Resolved Apply update#4 to windows failed?


Basic Pleskian
Windows Server 2016+Plesk Onyx 17.5.3 Update #3+MS-SQL 2014 SP2

Apply update#4 from plesk panel, show the following error on top:

ERROR: Exception: Unable to get administrator password: 系統找不到指定的檔案。 (Error code 2) at Unable to connect to pipe \\.\pipe\P_852d9c24-3ccf-49a6-9d1d-4eef2ed8edc7&lt;br&gt; at (Con::ClientOverlappedPipe::create line 503)&lt;br&gt; at getPassword(&#039;pwd&#039;)(PleskSrvClient::getPassword line 208)&lt;br&gt; at (zif_get_admin_password line 260) (Helper.php:68)<br />
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(The chinese word in the first line said: system cannot find specified file)
Plesk updater stalled and ask me do not do any operation before updated:

Any advice?
"Unable to connect to pipe" means that service Plesk Management service (plesksrv.exe) is not started.
Please ensure service is started.

Please also check if there are some crash dumps related to plesksrv generated in %plesk_dir%\etc\crashdumps