I previously used a remote FTP to store my backups.
Now after I upgraded to 17.8 I installed the S3 backup extension and want to store backups on DO Spaces.
All good with my config on the extension it connects just fine.
The problem is when I try to change any of the scheduled backup settings such as the destination I get the following error.
Any ideas on how to fix that?
I previously used a remote FTP to store my backups.
Now after I upgraded to 17.8 I installed the S3 backup extension and want to store backups on DO Spaces.
All good with my config on the extension it connects just fine.
The problem is when I try to change any of the scheduled backup settings such as the destination I get the following error.
Error: DB query failed: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'repository' cannot be null, query was: replace BackupsScheduled set `id`='1', `obj_id`='1', `obj_type`='server', `repository`=NULL, `last`='2018-03-22 01:46:33', `period`='86400', `full_backup_period`='0', `active`='true', `processed`='false', `prefix`='', `email`='[email protected]', `split_size`='0', `rotation`='3', `suspend`='false', `with_content`='true', `backup_time`='01:00:00', `backup_day`='0', `content_type`='backup_content_all_at_domain', `backupExcludeFilesId`='1', `backupExcludeLogs`='0', `remoteStorage`='s3-backup', `mssql_native_backup`='1'
Any ideas on how to fix that?