Debian 5 is not yet supported by Plesk. For now only following versions of Debian and Ubuntu are supported:
Parallels Plesk Panel 9.0.1 for Unix requires one of the following OS installed on your computer:
* Debian 3.1
* Debian 4.0
* Ubuntu 6.06
* Ubuntu 7.10
* Ubuntu 8.04
There is already feature request created for our developers concerning Debian 5 support but we can not say for sure when such support will be released.
Hi Manfred,
Another question: You're from germany?
Now nearly 1 year later still no Debian Lenny support
Why not !
You support the newer versions of Fedora which is pointless as they have a pathetic support life, by the time you support a version they often have little or no support left.
Please sort it out and support Lenny (before the next debian version comes out ) - What is the point of supporting out of date systems?
IgorG as i told you some time ago, no one has realised it, it was added without any information ...
i know it is announced there, but all peoples have read this document when 9.3.2 was relased and at this moment it was not in there!