• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

error with upgrading to SB2 (packages already installed)



You guys at the discussion "Sb 2.0!!" wanted to hear some issues before upgrading to SB2, I think I have one:

- I read page 13 of the SB2 install guide
- Then I remove config.php from /usr/local/sitebuilder/include
- As I wanted to install the rpm's I got the following error:

[root@server2 Sitebuilder]# rpm -Uhv *.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
package expat-1.95.5-2 is already installed
package js-1.5rc5a-1 is already installed
package sablotron-1.0.1-2 is already installed
package php-xslt-1.0-0 is already installed
[root@server2 Sitebuilder]#

After that, the command line appeared again.

I had version 1.1.1 and never upgraded to any RC from version 2.

Nor I never was prompted to enter any DNS settings.

After some tries I had to copy the config.php back and it worked with version 1.1.1.

I appreciate every suggestion,

Plesk Support told me:

Before the upgrade from SiteBuilder version 1.0 to version 2.0 it is necessary to make a back up copy of the folder /usr/local/sitebuilder and the database used by SiteBuilder.

To install SiteBuilder correctly the following command must be used:
rpm -Uhv Sitebuilder-2.0-xxxxxxxx.rpm

In order for installation modules to work correctly, the following command must be used:
rpm -Uhv sitebuilder-module_???_??????_xxxx.rpm
Thanks timtrott, but it didn't worked out. Now I got following errors:

[root@server2 Sitebuilder]# rpm -Uhv Sitebuilder-2.0.0-rh9.build050606.17.i386.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:Sitebuilder ########################################### [100%]
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: [ OK ]
mysqld (pid 1103) is running...

SiteBuilder was installed successfully. Do not forget to
make changes to the DNS records of your server so that
the domain name http://sitebuilder.server2.tu3w.net
points to this server.

SiteBuilder has three entry points:

Administrator's entry point

Guest entry point. Place this link on your site and use
it for advertizing purposes.

To configure registered users login options,
please refer to the documentation

* *
* Default administrator's login is 'root' *
* Default administrator's password is 'sitebuilder' *
* *
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
error: %postun(Sitebuilder_psa-1.1.1-rh9.build050117.10) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
[root@server2 Sitebuilder]#

After that I've tried to go to the admin and I got the following error when accepting the basic configurations:

Process of installation has come to the end with failure. Database tables have not been created...

The log file has the following content:

[root@server2 log]# vi install.log
[7-June-2005 23:12:55] Log of installation process
[7-June-2005 23:12:55] Create dirs...........
[7-June-2005 23:12:55] The dir "temp" is created ...Ok
[7-June-2005 23:12:55] The dir "users" is created ...Ok
[7-June-2005 23:12:55] Create config file..........
[7-June-2005 23:12:55] Process sql-query: USE sitebuilder
[7-June-2005 23:12:55] Result:...... Ok
[7-June-2005 23:12:55] Process sql-query: select * from sb_users
[7-June-2005 23:12:55] Result:...... Ok
[7-June-2005 23:12:55] Patching database from version 1
[7-June-2005 23:12:55] Process sql-query: DROP TABLE db_version
[7-June-2005 23:12:56] Result:...... Error: drop command denied to user: 'sb_user@localhost' for table 'db_version' (code=1142)
[7-June-2005 23:12:56] Error on query >> DROP TABLE db_version
[7-June-2005 23:12:56] Process of database patch is interrupted with errors

Is it just a permission error at user sb_user? If yes, how can I change this?


[root@server2 Sitebuilder]# rpm -Uhv *.rpm --force

try --force as above, this worked 4 me
Thanks, before I tried to force, how could I change permissions to the "sb_user" db user, so he can drop this database?
i cant advise on this directly

i upgraded from 2rc to new release 2 on a local testing server
and because it was not detrimental to my work i dropped the 2rc database and let the new install populate the new 2 vers with the new tables etc on upgrade process ... then it accepted its own default name and pw and proceeded to admin panel.

i am still working on the jump to upgrade 1.1.1 to 2.0.0 in a production server environment but as yet there are a few issues to resolve before taking the leap of faith

I say, be careful during early stages and ask sw-swoft via ticket help department before taking serious alterations if your sitebuilder work is not to be gambled with ....

good luck
I've used your suggestion and the installation worked fine! However as the admin web interface appeared and I had to configure the db, I've received the following error:

Process of installation has come to the end with failure. Database tables have not been created...

At the log file there is the same problem like yesterday, just the user permissions.
try this...
instead of using sb_user default names and password, use your plesk panel admin name and its password to proceed populating the db ....
I went a little step forward. After getting the initial login screen, I put the plesk admin user and password and now I get the following error:

Fatal error: General Error in /usr/local/sitebuilder/include/kernel/licensekey.php on line 548

If I put the former user name, it doesn't work (login incorrect screen).
I have decided to pay Plesk to do the install. All things considered, it's the most cost-effective option.
open put your server in command line (or use putty, if leased)

then on the root
# mysql -u user -p

here, replace user with your root user's name, so it is basically,
mysql -u root -p

then you password is asked, type your root pass, it you should be able to access you db now, try to issue, # use sitebuilder; if it works, try to issue, # show tables;

tables must be shown now.. if they do...

which they will, on th eprevious install page.. change the db user to root and the root password, and use sitebuilder db.

I hope this helps!
The file /usr/local/sitebuilder/include/kernel/licensekey.php must be owned by apache:apache otherwise SB2 will not work. After the install the file seems to be owned by plesk:plesk which is wrong. Just change the owner and group, and everything will work fine.

chown apache:apache /usr/local/sitebuilder/include/kernel/licensekey.php
Thanks CiViX, but I'm still receiving the same error:

Fatal error: General Error in /usr/local/sitebuilder/include/kernel/licensekey.php on line 548

The owner for the file licensekey.php is set ok to apache:apache.

The wizard works perfect until step 5 (Publish), where the error appears.

Also when trying to log into the administration, the same error occurs.
Some advice?

Finally I got Sitebuilder 2.0 working! It was a hotfix that was missing. I asked the company that sells me SB and they send me the hotfix. Now I'm trying to learn about the new features. It seems to be an exciting package.
Hi Warrior

I have the same problem with SB2, one cuestion:

The hotfix, where is publised?

As far as I know it's not published. Send me your email via PM and I'll send you the hotfix