• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

How do I uninstall Plesk 10


New Plesk User

How do I uninstall Plesk 10?

Most components are not working since I upgraded from 9.5.3 to 10.0.1.
There has not been much support on this forum regarding the issues.
I looked at the Add / Remove Programs section of Server 2003 and only Plesk 9.5 is listed although 10.0.1 is what comes up when I login.

So is there a manual way to remove Plesk?

Will it damage my websites and email accounts by permantently removing Plesk?
It looks like most of this can be managed through IIS anyway.

Like most business owners I do not have the luxury to spend hours trouble shooting programs.
There is no possibility for Plesk 10 uninstalling.

Sorry, Plesk 10, is made so perfect that does not comply with the add/remove feature in Windows, so there is no way to remove it (at least known) this happened to me so I had to re-format and re-install 9.3 -> 9.5.2 -> 9.5.3 and then 10.0.1

Right. Because since 10.x version Plesk for Windows uses Autoinstaller instead usual msi setup package as it was for previous versions.
Why not considering an option ...


I just maded a test with Plesk 10 and now I would like to remove the sw and I find out that is impossible ???

I thanks G-d, or all my expirience in many years in IT , and tested in a lab server so is not a big issue to reinstall it , but I think that will be a good idea to plan a way to uninstall it .....

You take a SoftwareDeployment Tool like Frontrange/Matrix42, etc.
spy an update from an existing 9.5.x backup of a duplicated server (vm?),
and than perform the uninstall on the original one ;-)

I am also used to SW-manufacutarers, which do not keep the SW developing process....
You got to be Kidding...

I am evaluating plesk panel and now will have to format the computer or leave the panel running.

This is the first time I encounter a software that cannot be uninstalled. There is no warning on the trial page or in the installation process.

I will wait for instructions to remove the services and files. To me is hard to believe that a company like Parallels will leave this issue open (and if this stay open, is evidence enough to me that the customers or the people evaluating the products are not respected).
I am evaluating plesk panel and now will have to format the computer or leave the panel running.

This is the first time I encounter a software that cannot be uninstalled. There is no warning on the trial page or in the installation process.

I will wait for instructions to remove the services and files. To me is hard to believe that a company like Parallels will leave this issue open (and if this stay open, is evidence enough to me that the customers or the people evaluating the products are not respected).

Shocking, they should at least give the option of an msi installation.
I have a server that didn't install properly. The install won't complete and I can't uninstall. Is this for real? I was writing uninstallers back in the 90s.

Can I bill Parallels for my time to drive to the data center and reinstall Windows?
There is no possibility for Plesk 10 uninstalling.

We are done with this company.

If you use abuse words again - you will be banned.
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nobody likes to read instructions before the installation), however installation guide strongly recommends to do a full system backup before the process..
You can remove components of Windows Plesk or all downloaded by autoinstaller Plesk msi files with

msiexec /x spamassasin.msi

for example, in place where you have autoinstaller cache or

msiexec /x {86DE3C8F-9143-44f4-BAB3-9F3E7D152182}

if you haven't spamassasin.msi file, for example.
Code of component can be found in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\F8C3ED6834194F44AB3BF9E3D7511228\InstallProperties for this sample for spamassassin in 'ModifyPath'
You can find 'ModifyPath' for other components in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\
If your interested

As a big hosted and everything we do is 100% automated, this is the automated way we came up with uninstalling certain things plesk refuses to detect. The example is given due to plesk "REQUIRING" horde webmail and mailenable to be installed even though smartermail is already installed on the server and is running.

I write all my stuff in powershell so this is using PoSH v2.0

I accomplished finding the binaries to uninstall by defining when I installed plesk to drop my temp files into a specific directory, otherwise by default plesk will delete all your binary files after installation.

#Remove MailEnable
Write-Host " - MailEnable..."
Start-Process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\Mail Servers\Mail Enable\Unwise.exe" "/S ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\Mail Servers\Mail Enable\INSTALL-STANDARD.LOG""" -Wait -NoNewWindow
if(test-path("C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\Mail Servers\Mail Enable")){Remove-Item "C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\Mail Servers\Mail Enable" -Recurse -Force}
#Remove Horde Webmail
Write-Host " - Horde Webmail..."
$UninstallFile = Get-Childitem C:\Scripts\Apps\PleskTemp -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "webmail.msi"}
$UninstallDirectory = $UninstallFile.Directory
if(test-path("$UninstallDirectory\$UninstallFile")){Start-Process "MSIExec.exe" "/Passive /X $UninstallDirectory\$UninstallFile" -wait -NoNewWindow}

And for the real hardcore....using Igors method as every msi installed will still show when you pull a WMI-Object Inventory (WARNING: Not all Installations Can Be Removed This Way):

#Attempt To Remove Unnessesary Plesk Features - METHOD A (Replace UninstallMenuName With Proper Value)
#$App = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "UninstallMenuName"}

And finally, one other way (Generic Version of the first method):

#Attempt To Remove Unnessesary Plesk Features - METHOD A (Replace UninstallMenuName With Proper Value)
#$App = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "UninstallMenuName"}

#Attempt To Remove Unnessesary Plesk Features - METHOD B (Replace BinaryName.Extension With Proper Filename)
#$PleskInstallDir = Dir "C:\" | ForEach {$_.Name} | Where-Object {$_.Length -eq "32"}
#$UninstallFile = Get-Childitem C:\$PleskInstallDir -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "BinaryName.Extension"}
#$UninstallDirectory = $UninstallFile.Directory
#if(test-path("$UninstallDirectory\$UninstallFile")){Start-Process "MSIExec.exe" "/Passive /X $UninstallDirectory\$UninstallFile" -wait -NoNewWindow -RedirectStandardError $ErrorLog}

Enjoy and I hope this helps :)
In Russia, you do not select which software to use, software selects you instead ))

BTW - Never uninstall Sql Express before uninstalling Plesk 9.5, Plesk will not be uninstalled without existing Sql Express! God, help me!
Decent Article then you just have to worry abotu a whole mess of plesk settings in your registry mucking up the next install if you plan on reusing the server, I'm sure you'll find that HKLM\SOFTWARE will contain the last bit of settings you need to uninstall. Plesk operated on a autoinstaller platform and uses ARPCOMPONENT to prevent uninstall entries from being written along with other attributes they don't need, this is common practice for companies who dont want to expose thier binaries to bits and pieces being modularly uninstalled or reconfigured unless it's through a specific interface, most commonly the one somethign was installed with. It's not terribly hard to not "trash a server" everytime you build plesk. I'd say common knowledge dictates that you would build a server and preconfigure for whatever you needed before installing plesk and use a tool called "WINDOWS BACKUP" to make a bmr of the server either on a seperate partition or external backup drive and then just restore it back from a bmr with a windows cd if it fails, takes all of 15 minutes and it'll save yout he headache of constantly destroying your server, if you got a little more hardware to play with I'd go as far as to suggest you install hyper-v role and make you a vm and snapshot before making major changes so you can easily roll back.