Golden Pleskian
No, don't worry we fully understand it. Maybe it's just our style of writing messageso.k.... pls. get some coffee/tee ( I mean here: pls. have a short break from your computer ), as you seem to miss a very decent, essential part here:
Yes we know and we have done already (see below)If you changed something in your serverwide "nginx.conf" ( added/modified settings for pagespeed and/or brotli, or any other depending additional module ), you will certainly have to REMOVE such addings/modifications, before you use the original "sw-nginx" again, as this package is not compiled with these additional modules.
Yes, that was always clear and was an easy jobIn case you desire to step back to the original "sw-nginx" - package, you would certainly use your previous configuration files ( which you certainly created as a backup, BEFORE you modify your serverwide "nginx.conf", as this is a standart administration task! )
That's the most useful re-affirmation for us and others really, so thanks for that.If you updated/upgraded/patched your own compiled nginx with the "sw-nginx" - package from Plesk, you will certainly have to RECOMPILE your very own nginx version again, as the update/upgrade/patch will as well overwrite the binary "/usr/sbin/nginx", which you replaced with the last step of your compilation process "make install"
The Lock setting within the panel is actually ignored, despite the GUI visual confirmation mentioned previously.
So we are back to the Official Plesk "sw-nginx" now, with all previous settings restored and fully operational.
We'll run the process again, re-compile and move back to our own compiled "sw-nginx" shortly.
No problem really, once the 'Lock" panel setting challenge was / is now fully understood