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ImageMagick Typo3 IUSR_ Problem




I tried the last 4 days to install Typo3 with ImageMagick. "It seems that there is no adequate ImageMagick installation available..." I am sure you know this answer very well.

EVERYONE has access to cmd.exe, c:\imagemagick\ and the httpdocs\
PHP5 runs as ISAPI

All is fine:
(1) in IIS Websiteproperties the directory security for anonymous is set to IUSR_<MASCHINENAME>


(2) the identity in the Application Pool is set to NETWORK SERVICE

then ImageMagick is working.

But this is not the way wich Plesk will do. If I create a new Web - Plesk do following:

(2) IWPD_<anynumber>(WEBNAME)

and in this constallation it doesnt work!

My Question:

IUSR_<MASCHINENAME> must have additional/other rigths? This rights should have the IUSR_<WEBNAME> and/or the IWPD_<anynumber>(WEBNAME)?

It works also if I set (1) to ADMINISTRATOR but (2) must be set to NETWORK SERVICE.

If you dont have an answer, you know something about the IIS settings? I think I understand the concept with running webs with its own user and how IIS is configured, but ... it doesnt work :)

1K-Thanks for your help!

have you solved this problem.

I'm facing the same now since more than a week and was not able to do one step forward.
When I install typo3 from the Applications or manually from the sources i got all the same problems as you.

When I install it outside PLesk with IUSR_Template Anonymouse User it is working.
But inside Plesk no chance till now!

So I would say Typo3 ist not usable with plesk as Imagemagick is an essential part of typo3.

Or has someone a solution for this issue?


no, not realy. but typo3 is working in the user_directory now.

i put the iuser_mashinename on the whole directory - and i think thats works. its not a good solution. but i did it for three month - please try. if its not working i will see deeper on the server.

otherwise i imagine that u have to close the complete right panel to use the setting u changed. now i think, that i had changed the rights and then i dotn closed the panel. so that the right were not overtaken.

if i have time i will try that. thats is all what i have todo next.

please, write back. i have the problem too.

I tried to use filemon to see with wich user typo3 tries to reach the imagemagick folder, but filemon is not able to be get drivers installed on a Virtouzzo VDS :-(

I will setup a testmachine to test this - perhaps this will bring us some more details.

I deleted the Webhosting part from the domain within plesk and configured the webpart directly with the IIS. When the Application pool and the Website is running with IUSR_Template account (it is a plesk account!!) it is working well.

I also tried to figure out which differences are between the User Rights Assignements of the plesk installation and a "normal" (=non plesk) installation. There I found that the normal IUSR_<Machine Name> has quite the same rights as the IUSR_Template user, but the IUSR_<Domain> has got much less rights. Perhaps that will also be the problem.
okay. other question: is it a imagemagick-problem? i dont guess that plesk doesnt work with souch a type of applications. so could it be that imagemagick needs special directories, programs or temp-folders? is it a typo3 problem? Coulkd it be that typo3 has a special strategie to run imagemagick? it this the problem?

but this later :)
solution for plesk on w2k3 32bit

1) install imagemagick into (!important!) c:\imagemagick\imagemagick . You can use ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/binaries/ImageMagick-6.4.9-4-Q16-windows-static.exe

2) give read&exec rights to psacln on c:\imagemagick with inheritance:

C:>icacls c:\ImageMagick /grant psacln:(OI)(CI)(RX)

3) Install application to, say, typo3 folder (via Plesk)

4) create file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL:

C:>echo > "%plesk_vhosts%\yourdomain.com\httpdocs\typo3\typo3conf\ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL"

5) proceed to http://yourdomain.com/typo3/typo3/install , Basic Configuration.

Put 'C:\ImageMagick\ImageMagick' into field 'Check this path for ImageMagick installation:', click 'Send' and check result.

The same solution will work for plesk on 64bit, but it is also needed to remove (DENY) permission entry for psacln from disk C:\

yes that is way to the right direction.

With the hints above the ImageMagick files will be found in the directory you enter in Basic configuration.
But when you go to the "mage Processing" page of the Typo3 Install tool you have to recognize that ImageMagick will not answer in time, and if you check the directories, you will realize that imagemagick will not write the output files to the directories.

So the problem in not completly solved yet!


Any solutions by the way ? I have the same problems like maverick3 that the install tool finds the IM directory but cannot procedure anything. My plesk version is 9.0 and I have to switch my application pool to the network identity otherwise it doesn´t find the file although I set the correct/same rights to the identity (IWAM_xxx) of the application pool .

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perhaps I was able to fix this.
I put the read+list credential to the img directory within the typo3 dir for the user iwpd_x(dom-name) and modify for iwpd_x(dom.name) to typo3temp.

Then the install tool was able to do the image processing!

Perhaps this helps

