Hi, I have done something similar. I've migrated my plesk instance using rsync to a dedicated openvz node (since my plesk installation requires the whole node). Its up and running and I used to be able to have PBAS create new domains, but that all of a sudden is broken. When an order for a plesk domain subscription goes through it fails trying to assign a dedicated IP to the plesk domain. Its trying to go to the hardware node and add an IP to a container. All the IP's are already there, but PBAS errors out and makes it a failed task leaving the order/subscription in the pending state. Going to the conflict resolver doesn't help as it reports the same problem. How do you tell PBAS that the node is like a "physical" node, no virtualization? Is there a column for this somewhere? I can hand edit with SQL as needed. I have the required IP's (the whole pool) active on the plesk node already.
UPDATE: - solved.
aspc database:
update hw set plesk_in_vps = 0 where hw_id = ?